Everything you need to know about how Elements allows you to deliver highest standard of knowledge process mapping
27 articles
Process mapping - Elements view and edit modes
Process mapping - Elements activity boxes and flow lines
Process mapping - drill-downs and creating child diagrams
Process mapping - creating maps
Request edit rights
Process owner and author
Adding and managing resources
Alignment, sizing and renumbering
Smart renumbering / automatic renumbering
Export drilldowns and copy and paste activity boxes
How to connect different processes to each other
Colors, styles, format
Drawing ERD diagrams with Elements
Themes : change the display settings for the diagrams
See map structure using map tree
Exporting maps
Import map as a drilldown diagram
Deleting maps (soft-delete)
Copy map
Printing maps and diagrams
Swimlanes and text boxes: how to group processes
Digital rights management for maps
Embedding content from another app into a diagram
TIBCO Nimbus import
Re-use existing diagram