Everything you need to know about how Elements allows you to deliver highest standard of knowledge process mapping
23 articles
Create new map / diagramCreate map ; create diagram ; stand-alone diagram
Process owner and authorChange who has process ownership and who is the main author for a diagram
Alignment, sizing and renumbering
Smart renumbering / automatic renumberingHow to renumber / change number of activity boxes
Export drilldowns and copy and paste activity boxesCopy & paste objects and make drilldown diagram a new map
How to connect different processes to each otherOff-page connectors; line connectors; cross-map connectors; process link; flowline linking
Colors, styles, formatChange color and style of all objects and text
Drawing ERD diagrams with ElementsProcess mapping, ERD; diagram; flow lines
Themes : change the display settings for the diagramsTheme; Display; Change colors; Change icons; Process interface; Process display;
ImagesAdd images, pictures, photos to diagrams, as attachments. Image fill in activity boxes embedding inside notes. Link from image to URL
See map structure using map treeNavigate around the map hierarchy using the map tree structure
Exporting mapsJSON; Visio; Map export;
Import map as a drilldown diagramBuild a map from a set of other maps. Import any map to be a child diagram on an activity step
Deleting maps (soft-delete)How to delete a map (and be able to restore it)
Copy mapClone maps in a Space or between Spaces
Swimlanes and text boxes: how to group processesSwimlanes; Colour boxes; Color boxes; Visual analysis; Activity grouping; Process flows; Decision box grouping;
Embedding content from another app into a diagramHow to embed documentation or convert diagrams from other tools
TIBCO Nimbus importHow can I import my diagrams from Tibco Nimbus to Elements.cloud?
Re-use existing diagram
Generate instructions and test cases for Salesforce AgentsAgentforce; Agent; Instructons; Elements for Agent instructions and test utterance generation
Process mapping - Elements view and edit modes
Process mapping - Elements activity boxes and flow linesProcess Mapping; How to map; Drawing diagrams; How to draw diagrams? Process application?
Process mapping - drill-downs and creating child diagramsHow to send activities to drill down to simplify your process