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Digital rights management for maps

How to manage users' ability to copy maps

Ksawery Lisinski avatar
Written by Ksawery Lisinski
Updated over a week ago

Securing your company intellectual property is paramount in Elements, this is why we use most modern technological protection measures such as DRM.

Article outline

  • Prerequisites

  • How to turn on Digital Management Rights

  • You might be also interested in


  • Registered and verified Elements account

  • Editor right within the space, to manage what can individual users do

  • Edit rights to a process map

How to turn on Digital Management Rights

Elements allow users to securely share content, not only within a Space, but with people from other Spaces in any other organization and any location. When a user is invited from outside the Space to access a map, their ability to copy that map can be turned on or off (off by default). Built into Elements is a digital rights management capability that allows a user to protect the further distribution of content that they have created, even if "Copy" is enabled.

Whenever a Diagram is created, it has a fingerprint of the Space that the map was created within, embedded into it. This fingerprint can never be changed or removed.

Under the "Maps" option from the Elements home page, you can select a map, and you will see the right panel with "DETAILS" by default as below. Toggle “Apply Digital Rights Management” on or off (off by default).

If “Apply Digital Rights Management” is enabled on a map, when that map is copied, the fingerprint on each diagram is transferred to the new Diagram in the copy of the map.

A map cannot be copied into a new Space if even one diagram has a fingerprint on it that does not belong to the Space that the current map belongs to.

This ensures that an organization within a Personal or Space that creates valuable content can share it with another user in another Space (or a Public Space) and not be worried that this content will be shared with other companies without their knowledge and consent.

A map owner can turn on/off the fingerprint protection on a map (off by default).

If set to “Off” (i.e. unchecked), when a map is copied into a new Space, the fingerprint on all the diagrams will be set to be those of the new Space. This allows the content to be copied on to another Space and/or incorporated in other maps.

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