Corporate management (available with the Enterprise license as part of the "Unlimited" Elements Plan), allows organisations to easily control space membership in their domains and to make sure content created by outgoing users is not lost.
Corporate admins can see all users associated with the verified domains, see all spaces the users belong to, what role they have in each one, filter the user list by specific domains, spaces, or display only Space Admins and perform multiple actions.
Article outline
Deactivating and deleting users
Changing Space Admins
Setting up corporate default Spaces
Secure content transfer
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Corporate management is available on Enterprise licence plan as part of the "Unlimited" Elements Plan
Deactivating and deleting users
Access the Corporate Management App via the settings icon in the toolbar:
Select the "Users" menu item to see the list of all users that belong to controlled corporate domains. You can also switch to "External users" to see all users that do not belong to your corporate domains but are members of your Spaces.
Corporate Admins can delete users (which removes them from the system and terminates their accounts) or deactivate them (which blocks them from accessing Elements again).
When deleting a user account, the Corporate Admin can decide which other user will take ownership of the deleted user's content. You can read more about content transfer further below.
Changing Space Admins
Select the "Spaces" menu item in Corporate Management App, select a Space and open the "Users" tab in the right panel for the selected Space. You will see who are the Space Admins, the Editors and how many viewers there are on the Space.
If a user who is the only Space Admin on any Space leaves the company, and you wish to transfer the Space ownership to a specific user, you can do so by following these steps:
Add a new user to the space if they are not already in it (click on the blue button in the Space right panel). If you have any editor licenses to spare on that Space you will be able to invite that user as editor & make them a Space Admin straight away.
If you do not have any editor licenses to spare on that Space then you can simply reallocate the license from the current Admin to one of the viewers in the Space by clicking on the "Reallocate" button to the right of the admin.
You can also upgrade an existing editor on the Space to Space Admin at any time.
Setting up corporate default spaces
As a Corporate Admin you can make any space a "Corporate default space". This is a space to which all users in your corporate environment will be automatically invited to, existing and new users alike. This way you can make sure all users have instant access to the corporate and relevant content.
Simply open Corporate Management app from the main app. Click on the icon in the upper right section of the screen.
Then select the spaces list and open the "Access" tab in the right sidebar. Turn on the toggle "Make all users members by default". The system will then go through each user in your corporate environment and add them to this space. If any new user registers, they will also be automatically added to that space.
When this option is turned on, space admins can't remove corporate users from this space.
Secure content transfer
When you delete a user account, the system automatically transfers ownership of any maps, spaces, reference models etc. to the oldest space admin in a space to which the deleted user belonged.
If the user is the only user in a space and the only space admin, then the corporate admin who deleted that account will become a new owner of that user's space and its content. This way, you can make sure the corporate content is never lost when the user account is terminated.
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