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Corporate Management features

Corporate management; corporate management features; corporate control; corporate management capability

Ksawery Lisinski avatar
Written by Ksawery Lisinski
Updated over a week ago

Corporate Management is a module available with Enterprise licenses as part of the "Unlimited" Elements Plan, that provides IT security and analytics for your organisation's overall corporate use of the Elements application.

It supports the oversight and management of all users and provides visibility of all Spaces in your domain(s). It does not give visibility to the content within those Spaces, but allows you to manage them. Within Corporate Management you can have an unlimited number of Corporate Admins to manage your users and Spaces. 

Article outline

  • Prerequisites

  • Supported features

  • Corporate Analytics

  • Planned features

  • You might be also interested in


  • Corporate management is available on Enterprise licence plan

Supported features

The Corporate Management allows to:

  • Connect one or more domains to the corporate account which grants visibility of all users and Spaces from those domains

  • Auto-scan any uploaded documents and files for viruses and ensure no malicious software is deployed in your environment (this is done automatically by the system in all spaces that belong to your corporate management)

  • Manage user sessions: corporate admins can view and manage all active user sessions in your organisation's domains

  • Manage users and their accounts: users cannot delete their own accounts when Corporate Management is established, and only Admins control which accounts get deleted or disabled and who takes ownership of the deleted user's content. You can also manage user access to spaces individually and make users admins in controlled spaces.

  • Manage primary domains (change ownership of Spaces)

  • Manage Spaces (Spaces can only be deleted in Corporate Management by the admins); you can also make spaces the "Default" spaces in your corporate environment, meaning all users are automatically added to it.

  • Display analytics on a number of Spaces by type (Free,PRO or Enterprise) number of users and number of diagrams

Corporate Analytics 

On your Corporate Management homepage, you can view and filter four charts with your organization's current usage data:

  • Share of spaces by space type - shows how many spaces of given type are used by your organization 

  • Share of editors by space type - shows how many editors your organization has in different spaces

  • Share of diagrams by space type - shows how many diagrams your organization has in different spaces 

  • Share of internal and external users - shows how many external users (not members of your domain) have access to your organization's spaces

You can display this data for all verified domains together or by each verified domain individually. You can also switch to historical line graphs and see the same data as it changed through time (filters: one month, three months, six months).

Planned features 

  • Policy: setting who can create new spaces

You might be also interested in

  • Setting User Policies - admins can set policies that affect all users and Spaces belonging to verified corporate domains

  • Managing user sessions - admin user can view and manage all active user sessions in your organisation's domains

  • Managing corporate users - allows organisations to easily control space membership in their domains and to make sure content created by outgoing users is not lost

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