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Corporate Management Features for Consultants
Written by Brooke Mohnkern
Updated over a week ago

Corporate Management is a free module available as part of the "Consulting" plan, that provides additional layers of IT security and analytics for your organisation's overall corporate use of the application.
It supports the oversight and management of all users and provides visibility of all Spaces in your domain(s). It does not give visibility to the content within those Spaces, but allows a Corporate Management admin to manage them.

You will quickly recognize it as a valuable part of your project staffing and client maintenance activities.

Article outline

  • Prerequisites

  • Supported features

  • Corporate Analytics

  • Planned features

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  • Corporate management is enabled on your Corporate Account (note: Consulting Clients are provided Corporate Management Accounts by default)

  • More than one Admin has been provisioned: Follow these steps to review Setting Up Corporate Management for Consultants

Worth noting: People nominated within their firm to be Corporate Managers do not also require an consulting license.

Supported features

The Corporate Management app allows to:

    • Delegate & Revoke Consulting User Licenses

    • Suspend and Delete user accounts

    • Manage user access to spaces individually and promote a user to space admin

  • Manage user sessions: corporate admins can view and manage all active user sessions in your organisation's domain controlled spaces.

  • Select and deploy corporate-wide usage/governance policies: Apply governance rules to users on the platform

  • Manage Space Editors and Space Domain affiliation review and update space editors as well as transfer space ownership to a user from another corporate domain. (Client bases licensing considerations apply)

  • Default Spaces: Corporate admins you can make spaces the "Default" spaces in your corporate environment, meaning all users are automatically added to it. Best practice is to create an internal corporate space and then assign it as "Default"

  • Delete Spaces: Corporate Managers cannot delete a Space as this is a very sensitive/irreversible action. Instead Corporate Managers and the Space Owner (Editor) need to collaborate on the deletion as only a Space Editor can delete. The exception is when a Corporate Admin is ALSO a Space Editor assigned to the condemned space.

  • Display analytics on a number of Spaces by type number of users and number of diagrams-- See below

Corporate Analytics

On your Corporate Management homepage, you can view and filter four charts with your organization's current usage data:

  • Share of spaces by space type - shows how many spaces of given type are used by your organization

  • Share of editors by space type - shows how many editors your organization has in different spaces

  • Share of diagrams by space type - shows how many diagrams your organization has in different spaces

  • Share of internal and external users - shows how many external users (not members of your domain) have access to your organization's spaces

You can display this data for all verified domains together or by each verified domain individually. You can also switch to historical line graphs and see the same data as it changed through time (filters: one month, three months, six months).

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