RASCI model is a business analysis tool that is used to identify roles and responsibilities in a business process. It is a great way of resolving any procedural conflicts and increasing transparency of processes and roles in a company.
Article outline
Why use RASCI model?
RASCI roles
How to identify RASCI roles in a process?
RASCI matrix report
RASCI in Elements: how to save time
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TIP You can apply RASCI roles to "Human" resources only
Why use RASCI model?
Clarification of responsibilities: so that everybody knows exactly what is expected of them at any given point in the process
Employee induction: joiners can quickly understand their role in the company
Analysis & division of workload: activities can be distributed effectively between teams and team members to ensure every resource is utilized and not overworked.
Conflict Resolution: provides the basis for discussion and resolution of interdepartmental conflicts
RASCI roles
Responsible: person who performs an activity or does the work.
Accountable: person who is ultimately accountable and has Yes/No/Veto power.
Supporting: person who supports the Responsible person in implementing the activity
Consulted: person that needs to feed back and contribute to the activity.
Informed: person that needs to know of the decision or action.
How to identify RASCI roles in a process?
You can specify RASCI roles for any resource from the right panel. While in edit mode, select an activity and open the right panel using the white expander on the right side of the screen. Click on Display, then resources, you will see the list of currently added resources. Click on the drop down arrow next to the resource to make the resource invisible on the activity (if you prefer to only display the responsible resources in a process).
RASCI matrix report
In a process map, you can run a RASCI matrix report against the current diagram and its lower levels. This would bring back a filterable spreadsheet with diagram names, activities performed, and all resources for which a RASCI tag was turned on.
Using this report, you can start addressing organisational issues in your company. With the report, you can perform horizontal and vertical analysis:
Horizontal analysis of the RASCI report:
Make sure that all activities have at least one Responsible resource
Make sure that all activities have only one Accountable resource
Too many Responsible or Accountable resources for any activity might lead to role overlap and conflict of jurisdiction.
Too many Informed or Consulted resources may slow the process down and make it difficult to produce value on time.
Vertical analysis of the RASCI report:
You can analyse the report vertically to understand responsibilities assigned to a particular resource
Too many Responsibilities may suggest resource overload; too few may mean that a resource is underutilized or not needed.
RASCI in Elements: how to save time
Applying the RASCI model in Elements may be an extremely useful process & project management tool, as long as you engage all internal stakeholders and make sure they all agree with the responsibility matrix. After the first attempt, it is likely that some disagreements will occur - and that is good. The whole point of using RASCI is to make sure everyone understands and agrees on what their role in any given activity.
Using Elements for doing your RASCI analysis will save you time, as you don't have to interview people or write down activities in isolation in an Excel sheet. All roles are defined in the context of the actual process map, and you can encourage collaboration and feedback via comments or diagram sharing.
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