Embedding process diagrams into external services is bringing more detailed information right where is belongs, and creating ever more common knowledge based experience for your users.
Map edit rights
Enterprise license
Embedding process diagrams inside Salesforce Classic (VisualForce)
To display diagrams inside a standard or custom object the managed package integration must be installed into a Production Org, the Enterprise license must be purchased for the target PRO space, and user provisioning must be set up so that Salesforce users have a user account in Elements.
Embedding process diagrams inside Salesforce Classic (VisualForce)
Go to the managed package configuration page, open Elements settings -> Objects. This is where you define which Elements diagram that is displayed in a collapsible panel on the detail's page of the Salesforce Object. The panel is a VisualForce page that is added to the detail's page of the object.
TIP You will need the diagram ID - click this link to learn how to get it
Generate VisualForce page for each object
For each object where a diagram ID has been specified a Visualforce page needs to be generated so that it can be added to the details page for the object.
For each object, select the object from the dropdown. Copy the code that is displayed. Click the ‘Create New VF Page’ button
The VisualForce page editor will be shown. Paste the copied code into the editor, replacing what is there. Give the page a name and click Save.
Add the VisualForce page to the Object details page
If the page is a standard object click the ‘Modify Layout’ button. If the page is for a custom object then select the page layout using the normal customization steps.
Go to the layout and select the page. Go to the Visualforce Pages items and add a new section (1 column). Given the section a suitable name such as ‘Process’.
Add the Visualforce page you created to the section. Set the Properties for the new section to have a 600px height. Click ‘Save’.
You have now added a dropdown panel in an object and an Elements diagram is shown in the panel.
4. Make the VisualForce accessible for appropriate profiles
Go to the VisualForce Page listing.
For each Elements Visualforce page you have just created, click Security and add the Profiles that need access.