A Space is your secure, work environment to manage change for your organization. Most organizations only ever need one Space. But there are specific circumstances, especially for consultants, when you might need to create more Spaces.
Registered and verified Elements account - to create a new 'Free' Space
Multi-space consulting license - to create a new 'Consulting' Space
Create new Space
Click on the dropdown in the top toolbar next to your space. You will see a list of Spaces you recently visited (up to 10). At the bottom, click "Manage spaces"
Once in the Space list, you will see all Spaces you are a member of. Click on "New Space" in the top right corner to create a new work environment.
Choose Space type
Once you click 'New Space' you will see a window. You have to:
Give your Space a name which has to be unique within your domain. If your company xyz.com has multiple Spaces, you cannot have two Spaces with the same name belonging to the xyz.com domain.
It is recommended to add a brief description explaining the purpose of the Space (what it will be used for).
Choose the Space type:
ONLY consultants on multi-space license can create a consulting space.
Everyone else can only create a new 'free' space (with only process diagramming available).