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Requirements & User Stories - Managing process change

Business requirement; User story; Process diagram;

Ksawery Lisinski avatar
Written by Ksawery Lisinski
Updated over a week ago

On a PRO or Enterprise Space you can easily raise requirements and stories from the diagram activities. You can also see the status of requirement and story implementation for each activity, as well as of all requirements and stories for the whole process diagram.

Article outline

  • Prerequisites

  • Adding requirements and stories from/to process activities

  • Viewing change requests on a diagram

  • View mode/change requests on the entire diagram

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  • Editors' rights to a map

Adding requirements & stories

You can add requirements & stories to a diagram activity by either right-clicking on the activity and selecting an option “Add change”, or by opening the right panel for an activity and choosing the option to “Add requirement” or “Add story” in the "Changes" tab. 

In both cases, you will have an option to either add one-to-many requirements/stories already existing in the system or to create a new one.  You can drag and drop the requirement/story modal window around the canvas to stop it from obscuring the view of the underlying diagram.

You can also work multi-tab in a browser and paste a requirement or story link directly to an activity. The easiest way to do it would be to right-click on a target requirement or story in the change grid and select "Copy link".

You can also copy the link to a change item from the collapsable right panel. 

Viewing change requests on a diagram

The diagram application has 2 distinct modes: view mode and edit mode. You can see your change requests while in view mode (to access this information, click on the blue down arrow in the top right corner of your screen) and in edit mode.

Edit mode/change requests on activity boxes

When you click on an activity in edit mode and open the right panel (unless it is already opened) you can see all change requests linked to that activity box in the "Changes" tab. 

In order to view details about the linked requirement or story, simply roll over the circle with an "i" inside it in the right panel, and you'll see a popover with the crucial info. Click on the name of the requirement/story at the top of the popover to navigate to the item in the change grid.

If you switch to the “Closed” list, you will see all the requirements & stories that have been raised on this activity box in the past & have been implemented. This is effectively your change history record. 

The closed list of requirements & stories is dependent on what statuses are marked as “Closed” category status in your requirements/story workflows. These can be customized in Space Management.

View mode/change requests on the entire diagram

  • If you are in edit mode, just click on the canvas (to unselect any activity box you might have clicked on already) and open the right panel for the diagram. If you had the right panel open for an activity box already, it will automatically switch to the diagram panel.

  • When you are in view mode, make sure to click the blue down arrow in the top right corner of your screen (to enter what we call expanded view mode), which is available to all users who were individually invited to a diagram. Then open the right panel for the diagram.

The Changes tab on the diagram lists all requirements & stories raised in the scope of this diagram, i.e. all activities. As you roll over individual requirements or stories, the activities which are linked to that change request will start glowing green outline.
You will also see a small information box with key insights about the change request.

TIP If you have integrated with JIRA, stories linked to an activity will also display links to JIRA stories. You can easily toggle between viewing requested or worked on process changes, and viewing the history record of all implemented changes.

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