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Salesforce Org Model reports

Extract data from org model; Export salesforce data; report on field usage; report on field access; audit of org changes; Org Discovery

Ksawery Lisinski avatar
Written by Ksawery Lisinski
Updated over a week ago

You can report on and extract specific data from your Salesforce Org Model. You can then use these reports to analyze your data in greater detail by filtering and sorting relevant information, or you can export it to Excel files if you wish to import it into other systems.

Article outline

  • Prerequisites

  • How to generate a report in the Org model

  • Types of reports and how you could use them

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  • Registered and verified Elements account

  • Sync'd Salesforce Org

  • Permissions to access Org Model

How to generate a report in the Org model

Click on the reports icon on the toolbar in the upper-right section of your screen. 

In the dropdown, you will see a list of up to 4 recently run reports. At the bottom, you can click on the text buttons to either see all previously run reports or run a new report.

Clicking on the "Run new report" text button will bring back a dialog where you can choose the type of report you want to run. 

Every report is generated against the currently displayed scope of the org model.
By default, the whole Org Model is opened and so the reports will be generated against the entire Salesforce configuration - which can sometimes cause reports to crash due to the amount of data being fetched.

You can always limit the scope of the org model by selecting a specific section of your org model and clicking on the "Make node root" icon on the toolbar or the right-click context menu. This will re-generate the org model to focus only on that specific hierarchy of your configuration. Generating reports (especially field ones) should then work better.

Types of reports and how you could use them

  • Optimize: Use this report to track your Org clean-up efforts.

  • Salesforce Org Models Comparison: Generate this report if you want to understand the differences between your Sandbox and Production Orgs, or between two Sandbox Orgs. 

  • Field usage: This report has to be generated against a single object. It lists all fields for the selected object, their metadata dependencies and how populated they are per each record type. You can get this information for each field individually in the USAGE tab in the right panel.

  • Field access: This report lists all fields and which permission sets & profiles have access to them, as well as the impact assessment for each custom field. You can check this information for each field individually in the ACCESS tab in the right panel.

  • Managed package impact analysis: Run this report to find every field from an installed managed package and understand their impact assessment. The report brings back all fields with their API names, descriptions, help text, impact value and detailed impact assessment on usage, documentation and % population. Very useful when trying to assess the consequences of uninstalling a managed package.

  • Help documentation usage: This report shows the list of all notes, URLs and processes available in Salesforce as end-user help with number of views, upvotes/downvotes, location and open feedback parent nodes for each help topic.

  • Node list: This report allows you to extract the core structure of your Salesforce Org in a spreadsheet format and filter it by specific types of data. It also includes all your Salesforce descriptions, Salesforce links & tags as well as "Created" and "Last modified" dates.

  • Node descriptions: This report returns the list of all nodes in your Salesforce Org that can have descriptions. You can check what descriptions you provided in Salesforce and see which ones are left blank. This report is very useful when used together with the Documentation charts in Salesforce Org Analytics. 

  • Salesforce's users last logged in: This report returns the list of all users by their last "logged-in" date. You can get additional insights from the Users by last logged-in date charts in Salesforce Org Analytics. 

  • Stakeholders: This report shows you all stakeholders in your org with their emails, stakeholder roles, and additional comments.

  • Report/Email template last used: This report returns either the list of reports or email templates & the time they were last manually generated or used. You can get additional insights from the Last used charts in Salesforce Org Analytics. 

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