Comparing the Org Models is an effortless way to analyze differences in structure and organizational scopes.
Article outline
Org comparison overview
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Org comparison overview
You can compare two Salesforce Orgs (Production vs Sandbox or Sandbox vs Sandbox). You need an Org Model for each Org you want to compare.
You cannot currently compare two Production Orgs.
Open a Salesforce Org Model, run a report "Salesforce Org Model comparison", and select which Org Model to compare the current one to.
You will be notified when a new report is generated. Open the new report to see the difference between the two Org Models. The subtitle of the report will have a summary of differences:
how many nodes are missing in the second Org Model
how many new nodes were created in the second Org Model
how many nodes are different between the two Org Models
Click on the report to open it. The columns can be grouped, dragged and filtered. The report can be exported to XLS.
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