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Demonstrate which business processes support regulatory requirements

Regulatory compliance; ISO ; Audit;

Updated over a month ago

Why demonstrate business process support for regulatory requirements?

Ensuring regulatory compliance is crucial for mitigating risk, passing audits, and maintaining trust. Failure to demonstrate how business processes align with regulations can lead to costly non-compliance penalties. Mapping processes to regulatory requirements provides transparency and ensures operational consistency.

This approach:

  • Simplifies Audits: Provides clear documentation on which processes support specific regulations.

  • Mitigates Risk: Quickly identifies non-compliant areas.

  • Improves Accountability: Ensures teams follow and comply with set regulations.

When should you demonstrate compliance?

Compliance demonstration should occur in the following scenarios:

  • Pre-Audit: To provide evidence of which business processes are aligned with compliance measures.

  • During Process Changes: Whenever a business process is modified or introduced, to ensure it adheres to needed regulations. This information feeds into fit-gap analysis for needed solutions.

  • Periodic Reviews: For internal audits and continuous compliance assurance.


Perform Regulatory Compliance Mapping

Step 1: Identify Compliance Requirements

Using reference model capability, you can import hierarchical structure of data into Elements from CSV files / spreadsheets to create 'compliance dictionary'.

You can use this to import your regulatory frameworks and their requirements.

Step 2: Document which process step supports regulatory requirement

In your compliance dictionary, select a component that represents a regulatory requirement. Then navigate your business process diagrams to find the the process and the specific activity within it that supports that requirement.

Right-click / open context menu for activity and from 'Add documentation' menu item add 'Reference model node'.

Step 3: Review and Verify the Linkage

When reviewing the diagram, click on the "More information" icon on the process step to see the linked regulation details. This will pop up a window that will display linked regulatory requirements and help inform about the rules the process has to abide with to meet the requirements.

Step 4: Report on and show compliance

Click on the report icon within the compliance dictionary. Run a report on activity link attachments to generate a report of all regulatory clauses and their relationship to specific process diagrams and steps within those diagrams.

The report will feature hyperlinks which will allow the auditor to navigate and inspect all processes.

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