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Reference / compliance models

Reference model; Compliance model; Data models; Data inventory; Pardot; Mailchimp; External systems model; What is a Ref model?; GDPR

Updated over 3 months ago

In Elements, you can create hierarchical structures called "Reference models". They are composed of "Nodes", or data items with customizable IDs, descriptions and the ability to attach any additional documentation.

Article outline

  • Prerequisites

  • Overview

  • Creating reference models via CSV import

  • Creating reference models manually

  • Creating reference models from Mailchimp & Pardot

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  • Space Editors rights


You can use Reference models to break down your policies, regulations and other compliance documents into separate chunks which you can then link to your processes to analyze, implement and show compliance

You can also use Reference models to capture what sort of metadata you hold in any of your external systems (e.g. what user data is captured through Mailchimp). This then allows you to analyze which information is sensitive and may require encryption, managed access or other actions required by privacy regulations like GDPR. 

Creating reference models via CSV import

If you wish to create a Reference model from documents (like ISO regulations etc.) or from metadata structures you already documented somewhere else, then the easiest way is to import a CSV file that you composed in a spreadsheet.

  1. CSV file structure

Row 1 of the CSV file is the header. The rows need to be in the correct nested order. The columns are:

Column A - The level in the ref model structure (1,2,3,4,5,...) : required

This is the indent level of the new node. The first row (row 2) must start with 1.  The next row can either be the same value, or one greater (meaning that this node is a child of the previous node) or any value less, which means that this node has a parent further up the hierarchy.

Column B - Node name: required

This is text and the name of the field. It has to be specified with at least two characters and cannot be more than 80 characters.

Column C - Node ID: optional

The custom ID is any text string and is a visible ID for the field. It is essentially a label and extension of the name (e.g. §1, §2, etc.).  Make sure this column is left blank, even if you do not want to use this information in the Reference model.

For node ID only alphanumeric, space and special symbols _ . ( ) { } [ ] - are allowed.

The character limit is 60 characters.

Column D - Description: optional

The description is a text field. It cannot be more than 5000 characters. Make sure this column is left blank, even if you do not want to use this information in the Reference model.

Column E - External URL: optional

The external URL allows a URL to be added to the field that can connect to any URL endpoint. Make sure this column is left blank, even if you do not want to use this information in the Reference model.

Column F - Tags: optional

This is a space-separated list of words that will be added as tags to the node. If the tag is not in the space, it will create it. Tags have to be single strings of characters and cannot include special symbols like = _ > < ! % $ etc.
Make sure this column is left blank, even if you do not want to use this information in the Reference model.

Columns G and H together provide a unique ID for the node that is used for updates: optional

Once you import a Reference model you can update it by importing a new file provided that you have used columns G & H. When you update a new CSV file the system will check the values from these 2 columns and if there is a match it will update the Reference model node.

Example: You may have an ISO regulation Reference model that is already documented and linked to appropriate processes. Let's say an updated version of the regulation gets published. You then need to update the Reference model as well. If you used columns G&H when you first imported the model (let's say G: ISO; H: ID/article number) then you can re-upload the updated document and the system will find and update any nodes accordingly. 

Make sure these columns are left blank, even if you do not want to use this information in the Reference model.

Column I - GDPR: optional

If any GDPR field has a value of 1 then it will enable the Reference for GDPR and will set the node to be GDPR enabled

Make sure this column is left blank, even if you do not want to use this information in the Reference model.

  • Example CSV file for GDPR: download

  • Example CSV file for ISO 9001 (2015): download

TIP CSV files rely on commas to dictate the structure of the reference model. As a result, text fields in your CSV, such as descriptions, cannot include commas as they will break the structure and the import will fail.

2. Uploading a CSV File

To import a CSV file and create a Reference model you need to be in the main application (blue menu item is visible on left) and be in the Reference models list. Click on the "Import/Update button" to the right of "CREATE REF MODEL" and choose whether you want to import a new Reference model or update an existing one. 

In the first case, you will be asked to enter the new Reference Model information, and drag the CSV file into the window to start the importing process.
In the second case, you will be asked to select from existing Reference models and drag a CSV file into the window. Hit Import in either case once the file has been uploaded.

Creating reference models manually

In the main app, select Ref Model and click "CREATE REF MODEL".

Then, for each node, right mouse click and either add "Child node" (lower level) or "Same level node". 

For GDPR functionality you will need to switch it on, either as you create the Ref Model, or change an existing Ref Model.

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