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Where is the Save button?

Saving work progress; Save project; Saving the work

Updated over a year ago

Cloud computing provides many advantages - like real-time database updates.
In Elements case - this means all your progress is saved incrementally while you work on the project - absolutely effortless.

Article Outline

  • Prerequisites

  • Real-time increments driven progress saving

  • What if I lost my internet connection while working with Elements

  • You might be also interested in


  • A registered and verified Elements account

Real-time increments driven progress saving

Every time you make a change on an object-by-object basis, we are continuously saving the incremental changes back to our central database and then send the changes to everyone who is viewing the content, so it refreshes automatically.

What if I lost my internet connection while working with Elements?

This means that if you lose your internet connection then all your changes, up until you lost the connection, have been saved. Also, whatever you were editing at the time when you lost connection will not be able to save, and Elements will turn the diagram back into "View Mode", so you cannot continue working on content which does not save. If you lose internet connectivity, someone else can pick up and start editing the same diagram immediately, as there is no edit lock in place from the time that the connection was lost.

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