Login process simplified - effortless login to Elements makes it easy to start your journey to analysis, insight and improvement.
Article outline:
How to login
SSO with other Identity providers
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How to login
When you registered in the Elements app, you created a username and password.
When you get to the login screen, provide the email address that you used during registration and click next:
You will be taken to the next screen where you will be asked to provide your password.
If you have forgotten it, simply click "Forgotten your password", enter your email address, you and should receive an email that allows you to reset your password.
SSO with other Identity providers
If you are a member of a corporate domain controlled by your organisation with enabled SSO, once a valid email address you will be taken to your corporate identity provider. If you were provisioned to Elements from Salesforce or if you set up your login preference to be Salesforce, then you will be taken to the Salesforce login screen.
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