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Updating your profile

Profile; Profile update; How to update profile; Update picture; Change profile information; Change password, How to change password

Ksawery Lisinski avatar
Written by Ksawery Lisinski
Updated over a week ago

You can update your profile image, username, email address, and role and update or set up (if you are provisioned through Salesforce) your password and login preferences.

Article Outline

  • Prerequisites

  • How to update your profile information and security settings

  • What information can I change on profile?

  • You might also be interested in


  • Elements account

  • Elements account credentials

  • Picture of yourself

How to update your profile information and security settings

To do that, click on the avatar icon in the top-right icon menu and choose Profile:

This will take you to the profile page:

What information can I change on my profile?

  • First Name & Last Name: This is displayed when users see your profile.

  • Image/Avatar: This is an image (JPG, PNG, GIF) which cannot be larger than 1MB.

  • Email: This is your account username. You can change your email address to a new one, provided you are not a member of a Corporate Domain. After providing your new email address, a confirmation email will be sent to your old email address to approve the change.

  • Change password: Your password should be a minimum of 6 characters, including a CAPITAL letter and a number.

  • Role: This is the role you specified during registration. You can change it at any time. This information helps us better understand our users & send you more helpful tips & information tailored to your role.

  • Password: If you were provisioned through Salesforce, then you do not have a password to access Elements outside the Salesforce-managed package. Click on the setup password, and you will receive a system email allowing you to set up your password. Otherwise, you can change your password at any time. 

  • Login preference: This specifies whether you want to use your Elements password or Salesforce account to log in to the application. Customers who belong to a Corporate Domain may be forced to use the corporate identity provider when logging in. 

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  • Login to Elements - You can now log in to Elements and make a change for the better

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