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View records by record type in an object

See how many records; by record type; and get track trends over time

Updated over 2 years ago

Not only does Elements bring you insights only a few clicks away, but we now present a whole new way to drive analysis: You can now view records by record type in an object.

Article outline

  • Prerequisites

  • How to access View records by record type in an object

  • You might also be interested in


  • Registered and verified Elements account

  • View permission in a Production Org Model (We don't support record type analysis in partial Sandboxes currently)

TIP This feature is for Production/Full Sandbox orgs

How to access View records by record type in an object

For Production/Full Sandbox Orgs, you can select the object, and scroll down in the "DETAILS" tab in the right panel. You will see the total record count and a donut chart breaking this number down by record type. 

You can click on "Show record count change over time" below the chart to see the dialog box with the line chart showing trends by record type over time. 

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