The "Technical Debt Dashboard" is a specialized feature set designed to provide Salesforce administrators and consultants with a comprehensive understanding of the technical debt within their Salesforce Org.
Through a series of charts and metrics, the dashboard categorizes technical debt into various levels of severity, types, and impact. This enables organizations to prioritize their cleanup efforts, make informed decisions, and manage their Salesforce Org more effectively.
Technical debt dashboard does not include insights from the managed packages.
Article outline
Technical Debt Severity
This section features a chart that categorizes all metadata classified as technical debt into five severity levels:
workflow rules,
process builders,
active metadata on API version lower than 47
any active automation on API version 47 or 48
any active automation on API version 49, 50 or 51
reports that were run over a year ago
low-impact fields,
custom profiles,
reports run 180-365 days ago,
any inactive metadata,
any active automation on API version 52, 53 or 54
any active metadata on API version 55, 56 or 57
Fields Broken Down by Impact Level
This chart categorizes all custom fields in the Org by their level of impact: high, medium, or low. The impact level is determined by the field's utilization by users or automations. This helps you identify low-value fields that might be candidates for removal or optimization.
Reports by Last Run Date
The charts categorizes reports by their last run date. This helps you identify outdated or unused reports, which can contribute to technical debt. Reports are usually very numerous in an Org and reference a lot of key fields, therefore cluttering the view of dependencies and prolonging impact assessment. Removing unused reports can contribute significantly to impact assessment acceleration on future enhancements.
Inactive Metadata by Type
Here, a bar chart displays the count of inactive metadata nodes by type. This includes:
apex trigger,
approval process,
assignment rule,
business processes,
duplicate rule,
escalation rule,
matching rule,
process builder workflow,
record type,
workflow rule,
validation rule
This chart helps you understand the composition of inactive metadata in your Org, which is often a hidden form of technical debt. While not business critical, it also clutters the view of dependencies and prolongs impact assessment.
Automations by API Version
This section features a bar chart that breaks down specific automations by their API version. When your Org is upgraded to the newest version (Summer 23', Winter 23' etc.) the API versions of all metadata are updated automatically, except for:
Apex classes
Apex triggers
Visualforce pages
Aura component bundles
Lightning component bundles
This means that your Org does not get latest bug fixes, performance improvements, and features automatically on those key components. Furthermore, certain API versions get deprecated over time.
This chart therefore helps you understand how far behind you Org is with latest features and improvements.