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ElementsGPT Org Copilot Sample Use Cases

Use cases for ElementsGPT Org Copilot; AI; Generative AI; Capability search; Analytics;

Updated over 5 months ago


Org Copilot is an AI-powered Org analysis capability, part of the ElementsGPT suite of AI features.

You can ask questions and "chat" with your Org metadata and more. The Copilot can generate text, images, and files as part of the answer to help you discover more about your Org.

Click here to learn more about how to use ElementsGPT Org Copilot.

Why use Org Copilot?

Org Copilot leverages AI to analyse your Org metadata, dependencies, and permissions. The power lies in being able to "chat" to your Org, refining questions and diving deeper into areas of interest all using natural language questions. In return, Copilot can advise you on how to approach individual metadata changes, larger projects, and to identify key areas of technical debt or interest in your Org.

The problem with using a metadata dictionary alone is that you need to know what you are looking for. If you do, then Custom Metadata Views can be a great way of building up a report of key items. However, Org Copilot is a great first step to getting to know an Org in cases where you don't know what you don't know!

By simply asking questions you can prompt the Copilot to generate lists, CSV files, and images, helping you build up a clear picture of the key metadata relevant to your work.

Read on to understand some of the key use cases and sample questions you can ask Org Copilot, and start accelerating your Org discovery today.

Use Cases and Sample Questions

NOTE: Org Copilot is an AI powered feature.

These are example questions and results may vary according to model performance and data. We recommend tweaking the sample prompts according to your needs and the results. You should verify answers, and it can be useful to ask the Copilot to "show it's working" and nudge it in the right direction.

Metadata and Dependencies Copilot

Org Discovery

Custom objects and fields in the Org

"How many Custom Objects/Apex Classes/etc. are in my Org?"

Changes over time on Flows

"Please list the flows in my org that have been changed in the last 30 days"

Understanding technical debt

Identifying out of date API versions

"I need to find Apex Classes in my org that have an API version below 50.

Show me a bar chart of all the Apex Classes in my Org by API version. Put API version along the x axis. Use the “API version” column."

Follow up question:

"Please provide me a CSV file of these Apex Classes with API version, name, label and any other information you think would be important to find the Apex Classes in my Org and upgrade the API version. Also provide me with steps on the best way to do this."

Understanding poor or low field usage

"I'd like to know which fields are not being used in the [Opportunity] object."

Cleaning up unused reports

"I need to delete some unused reports in my Org. How should I approach this? Which reports are good candidates for deleting? Provide me a list of these reports."

Finding metadata that needs descriptions

"Provide me a list of the top x custom objects with the most fields that do not have a description".

Scoping the complexity of changes

Dependency analysis

"I want to add a new value to the [Stage] field on the [Opportunity] object. What dependent components would be affected? Provide a full list of those dependencies as a CSV file if needed."

"Please list all automations that trigger off the [Opportunity] object."and order the results by execution order"

Understanding Apex Class complexity

"Return a list of the most complex Apex Classes in my Org."

"Generate a bar chart of Apex Class complexity in my Org, with complexity level along the x axis and number of Apex Classes on the y axis."

Finding Managed Package dependencies

“Can you list the dependencies on any metadata that has “xxx__” in the API name and the dependencies that you find do not have “xxx__” in the API name provide as a CSV file.”

Permissions Copilot

Onboarding new users

"I'm onboarding a new user in the same role as [user name], what permissions do I need to give them?"

Uncovering dangerous permissions

"Which users in my Org have got View All access?"

"Which users are able to edit [x]"


  • Provide some context to the questions you're asking. What is the project or task? Why do you need to know? That can help the Copilot give you relevant advice as well as narrow down the right answers.

  • Split longer, more complex questions into individual questions. Ask them one by one to encourage better attention to your questions and higher quality answers. This also enables you to check each step of the analysis.

  • Long lists of metadata are often cut off. If this is the case, request a full CSV file.

  • As with all AI systems, the more specificity in your question, the better. Specify which columns or attributes you are interested in.

  • If you want charts/images to be generated, be specific as to what you want to see (e.g. axis names, colours, title, data timeframes). If it isn't what you're looking for, ask it to regenerate the image with more instructions.

Something not looking right?

Be aware that Org Copilot is an AI powered feature and answers may not always be reliable. If you're unsure, ask how it arrived at the result it provided, or prompt it to check again. This will trigger a more thoughtful response from the system.

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