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Custom views of metadata

Custom views of metadata; Metadata filtering and sorting; Metadata analysis

Updated over 12 months ago

You can use Elements org model to slice and dice your Salesforce metadata however you want. You can create custom, configurable, and pre-filtered list views with ability to take mass-actions on selected metadata.


You will need:

  • Paid Elements License:

    • This capability is not supported on legacy PRO license

    • Consultants have access to the capability as part of their consulting license

How to create a list view?

  1. As a user with edit rights on the org model, click on the 'Metadata dictionary' dropdown.

  2. Click to create a new list view. Give it a name and select which metadata types you want to include in the view (this will impact what attributes are available to choose)

  3. Select attributes you want to see as columns by dragging and dropping them from the left column to the right column. You can re-order the attributes in the right column from top to bottom which will impact the order of columns from left to right in the view.

  4. Select filters to apply across all metadata of the selected types. You can only choose to filter metadata by attributes that will be used as columns. Confirm choice.

List view access

  • There can be up to 15 custom views of metadata present in an Org model at a time. If you want more, you will need to delete one of the existing views.

  • List views are shared by everyone in the Org model. The view you create will be visible to other users with access to the Org model.

What attributes are supported for columns and filters?

The following attributes are currently supported to be used as columns and filters. However which of these will appear as selectable columns will depend on which metadata types were chosen to be included. For instance, if you want a view with just Flows, you will not see attributes specific to Objects or Fields, available in the column selection.

  1. Name (Label)

  2. API name

  3. Full API name (correct Developer name)

  4. Full path (Elements-specific attribute which specifies the path to the component in the Org model tree)

  5. Type (Salesforce metadata type)

  6. Active: true or false

  7. Flow fault coverage (used for flows)

  8. Subtype (used for flows and fields)

  9. API version

  10. Trigger type (used for flows and apex triggers)

  11. Asynchronous run: true or false

  12. Immediate run: true or false

  13. Apex test coverage

  14. Status (status of the component since last sync, can be 'New', 'Updated', 'Deleted', or 'Proposed')

  15. Last report run date (for reports)

  16. Last modified record date (date when record was last updated on an object)

  17. Last created record date (date when record was last created on an object)

  18. Created date (when metadata component was created)

  19. Last modified date

  20. Last modified by

  21. Record count (for objects)

  22. Assigned users: number (for Profiles, Permission sets and groups, Roles, Queues, Groups)

  23. Base object (for report type)

  24. For objects: number of:

    1. ValidationRules

    2. FieldSets

    3. ApprovalProcesses

    4. WorkflowFieldUpdates

    5. AssignmentRules

    6. RecordTypes

    7. PageLayouts

    8. SharingRules

    9. SupportProcesses

    10. ListViews

    11. CustomFields

    12. EscalationRules

    13. DuplicateRules

    14. WorkflowRules

    15. EmailAlerts

    16. CompactLayouts

    17. ProcessBuilderWorkflows

    18. Buttons, Links and Actions

  25. Total complexity (for Flows and Apex classes)

  26. Complexity score level (for Flows and Apex classes)

  27. Tags

  28. For fields only:

    1. Length (integer) - cannot filter by it yet, only display

    2. Required (boolean)

    3. Data sensitivity (string)

    4. Compliance group (string)

    5. Data owner (string)

    6. Business status (string)

    7. Encryption (boolean)

    8. Encryption scheme (string)

  29. Also, the following attributes can be used in filtering:

    1. Parent object

    2. Parent managed package

  30. Also, the following custom attributes from Optimize/clean-up tab can be used:

    1. Optimize status

    2. Node assignee

Available mass-actions

You can multi-select/bulk-select components in a custom view and perform bulk operations. You need to right-click on the grid to open the context menu.

Supported bulk-operations:

  • Mass-replace tags: replaces all existing tags with new tags

  • Mass-add tags: adds selected tags to new tags

  • Mass-add to story

  • Create story per node

  • Mass-update optimization status

  • Mass-update node assignees

CSV download

You can click on the download icon and choose 'Listed metadata' option. This will generate a CSV file with the selected columns and a full set of metadata matching your filter criteria that can download.

Any user with view edit rights to the Org model can download the CSV file of the generated view.

Editing views

In order to edit any aspect of the generated view or delete it, the user with org model edit rights just needs to hover over the view from the dropdown and choose one of the available options.

Sorting views

By selecting "Edit sorting" you can change the sorting order of the columns in your grid view. This can be changed at any time. We allow you to sort columns by number, date, or alphabetical order, according to the data type.

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