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Documentation breakdown dashboard

Analytics 360 ; Documentation

Updated over a year ago

The new "Documentation breakdown" dashboard aims to enhance the 'Documentation' section by providing a breakdown of all objects based on the % of filled documentation. For platform owners, this represents the detailed level of institutional and configuration knowledge captured against objects and their metadata.

Article Outline


Locating the 'Documentation breakdown' Chart

The 'Documentation breakdown' chart is conveniently located below the 'Documentation: Overview' chart in the 'Documenation' section.

Calculation method

The chart shows cumulative, weighted % score on documentation.

We calculate a weighted documentation percentage for each object and each documentation type. This is done by adding up and applying a weighting to the metadata belonging to an object to come up with an overall percentage. It is calculated using the following algorithm:

Total points / Maximum no. of points

Total points = Number of items that have documentation x weighted points per type of item
Maximum = Total items that can have documentation x weighted points per type of item

Weighted points

  • Custom Object = 10 points

  • Custom Fields = 1 point

  • Field Updates = 5 points

  • Process Builder Workflows = 5 points

  • Record Types = 5 points

  • Validation Rules = 5 points

  • Workflow Rules = 5 points

Choosing the type of documentation

You can choose whether to display documentation percentages for:

  • Descriptions filled out

  • Help text filled out (applies only to fields on an object)

  • Processes linked to metadata

  • Any other attachment linked to metadata (like notes, links, images).

Sorting Options

You can sort the data in the chart alphabetically or numerically (from high to low or low to high). This sorting functionality enables you to view the data in a way that is most meaningful for your analysis, making it easier to identify trends or anomalies.

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