The following article explains how to setup SSO using SAML with Google.
Article outline
Configuring SSO with Google
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Configuring SSO with Google
First, you will have to create a new SAML app in your Google Workspace called "Elements". Read this google support article on how to set up your own SAML applications.
When you click to add a new SAML app, select the "Setup my own custom app" in the bottom-left corner of the modal:
2. From the 2nd screen, click to download the XML certificate (below entity ID):
3. On the 3rd screen, name the application Elements and provide a description or logo if you want to (not mandatory).
4. At this point, open Elements app in the separate tab. Go to your Corporate Settings, then choose "Config" option in the left menu:
5. Click "Choose file" and upload the certificate file you downloaded in step 2. Provide Identity Provider Name : "Google" and click "Submit".
6. In your Google Workspace, click next in the custom SAML app wizard. When you see the screen below, paste the ACS URL & Entity IDs from the Elements Config page (named Single Sign ON URL and Metadata URL respectively)
7. Click "Next". No custom attribute mapping is required. Simply click finish and the SSO should be configured between your Google Workspace and Elements.
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