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Connect with Salesforce DevOps Center
Connect with Salesforce DevOps Center

Salesforce DevOps Center; Stories; Work items; DevOps; Change Management

Updated over 7 months ago


Installing the Elements DevOps Center extension package

First, please ensure that you have the latest release of Salesforce DevOps Center up and running in your Org of choice. See here for more information.

Next, click this link to deploy the Elements DevOps Center extension to our managed package into your Org. This step needs to be completed before you can connect to Elements.

Create the connection in

Once you have deployed the extension package, navigate to Space Management. You can do this by clicking the name of the Space in the top left corner, or by clicking the cog and selecting "Space settings" in the right-hand side of the Elements toolbar.

From here, navigate to "Connections" in the left-hand panel, and select the "DEVOPS" tab along the top.

We suggest at this stage you ensure you are logged out of all Salesforce instances except the org that you are connecting to. This will ensure you are routed to the Salesforce login page and can connect the right Org first time.

From the DevOps tab, click "Connect", then select Salesforce DevOps Center and Production in the next dialog. You will be directed to the Salesforce login page and asked to login to the Org you want to connect.

Once successfully connected the page should look like this:

(The Package Version may be greater)


Error message:

"Please install Elements-DevOps Center Extension package in order to connect Devops Center".

If this message persists after you try to connect it means the Org you connecting to likely does not have our DevOps Center package extension installed. You can install it here or using the link.

This error can also occur if you are trying to connect the wrong Org. Ensure you are logged out of all Salesforce instances before you try to connect, so that you are directed to the login page. This way you can be sure you're connecting the right Org.

Error message:

"The Elements managed package installed in this org does not support DevOps."

This means that your managed package is out of date. We require version 5.0 or greater to run the Elements/DevOps Center integration. Running a sync should refresh the package version, but if this fails you can reach out to us via the Support Bot or at

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