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Supported Salesforce Clouds and metadata
Supported Salesforce Clouds and metadata

List of supported Salesforce clouds

Updated over a week ago

We can sync metadata from multiple different Salesforce clouds. This affects which standard objects are synced and come "out of the box" with your Salesforce Org.

Supported Salesforce Clouds standard objects

Below is the list of supported Salesforce clouds. Each Salesforce cloud comes with its own set of standard objects. If you don't see your Cloud in the list below, contact us and ask us to support it.

Foundation Clouds

Here is a list of Salesforce Clouds and their standard objects supported on foundation 'Metadata Management' license:

Sales Cloud standard objects

  1. Account

  2. AccountContactRelation

  3. AccountPartner

  4. AccountTeamMember

  5. Asset

  6. AssetRelationship

  7. AssignedResource

  8. AssociatedLocation

  9. Campaign

  10. CampaignMember

  11. Case

  12. Contact

  13. Contract

  14. ContractContactRole

  15. ContractLineItem

  16. Currency

  17. Entitlement

  18. Forecast Item

  19. Lead

  20. Opportunity

  21. OpportunityActivity

  22. OpportunityContactRole

  23. OpportunityForecastItem

  24. OpportunityLineItem

  25. OpportunityPartner

  26. OpportunityProduct

  27. OpportunitySchedule

  28. OpportunitySplit

  29. OpportunityTeamMember

  30. Order

  31. Partner

  32. PartnerRole

  33. Pricebook

  34. Pricebook2

  35. PricebookEntry

  36. Product2

  37. ProductConsumed

  38. ProductItem

  39. ProductItemTransaction

  40. ProductRequest

  41. ProductRequestLineItem

  42. ProductRequired

  43. ProductTransfer

  44. ProductsQuote

  45. Quote

  46. QuoteLineItem

  47. SalesUser

  48. ServiceContract

  49. Solution

  50. Territory

  51. Territory2

  52. Territory2Model

  53. UserTerritory2Association

Service Cloud standard objects

  1. Account

  2. AccountContactRelation

  3. Case

  4. Case Article

  5. Case Comment

  6. Case History

  7. Case Milestone

  8. Case Related Issue

  9. Case Solution

  10. Case Team Member

  11. Case Team Role

  12. Category Data

  13. Category Node

  14. Contact

  15. Contact Request

  16. Contract Line Item

  17. Email Message

  18. Entitlement

  19. EntitlementContact

  20. Incident

  21. KnowledgeArticle

  22. KnowledgeArticleVersion

  23. Milestone

  24. OperatingHours

  25. Problem

  26. ReturnOrder

  27. ReturnOrderLineItem

  28. ServiceAppointment

  29. ServiceContract

  30. ServiceContracts

  31. ServiceCrew

  32. ServiceCrewMember

  33. ServiceReport

  34. ServiceReportEditor

  35. ServiceReportTemplate

  36. ServiceResource

  37. ServiceResourceCapacity

  38. ServiceResourceSkill

  39. ServiceTerritory

  40. ServiceTerritoryLocation

  41. ServiceTerritoryMember

  42. Shipment

  43. Solution

  44. TimeSheet

  45. TimeSheetEntry

  46. TimeSlot

  47. UserCustomize

  48. UserProvisioningRequest

  49. WorkOrder

  50. WorkOrderLineItem

  51. WorkType

  52. Swarm

  53. Swarm Member

Field Service Lightning standard objects

  1. Address

  2. ApptBundleAggrDurDnscale

  3. ApptBundleAggrPolicy

  4. ApptBundleConfig

  5. ApptBundlePolicy

  6. ApptBundlePolicySvcTerr

  7. ApptBundlePropagatePolicy

  8. ApptBundleRestrictPolicy

  9. ApptBundleSortPolicy

  10. AppExtension

  11. Asset

  12. AssetAttribute

  13. AssetDowntimePeriod

  14. AssetRelationship

  15. AssetWarranty

  16. AssignedResource

  17. AssociatedLocation

  18. AttributeDefinition

  19. AttributePicklist

  20. AttributePicklistValue

  21. ContractLineItem

  22. ContractLineOutcome

  23. ContractLineOutcomeData

  24. DigitalSignature

  25. Entitlement

  26. EntityMilestone

  27. Expense

  28. ExpenseReport

  29. ExpenseReportEntry

  30. FieldServiceMobileSettings

  31. LinkedArticle

  32. Location

  33. MaintenanceAsset

  34. MaintenancePlan

  35. MaintenanceWorkRule

  36. MobileSettingsAssignment

  37. OperatingHours

  38. OperatingHoursHoliday

  39. Pricebook2

  40. Product2

  41. ProductConsumed

  42. ProductItem

  43. ProductItemTransaction

  44. ProductRequest

  45. ProductRequestLineItem

  46. ProductRequired

  47. ProductServiceCampaign

  48. ProductServiceCampaignItem

  49. ProductServiceCampaignItemStatus

  50. ProductServiceCampaignStatus

  51. ProductTransfer

  52. ProductWarrantyTerm

  53. RecordsetFilterCriteria

  54. RecordsetFilterCriteriaRule

  55. RecordsetFltrCritMonitor

  56. ResourceAbsence

  57. ResourcePreference

  58. ReturnOrder

  59. ReturnOrderLineItem

  60. SerializedProduct

  61. SerializedProductTransaction

  62. ServiceAppointment

  63. ServiceAppointmentStatus

  64. ServiceContract

  65. ServiceCrew

  66. ServiceCrewMember

  67. ServiceReport

  68. ServiceReportLayout

  69. ServiceResource

  70. ServiceResourceCapacity

  71. ServiceResourceSkill

  72. ServiceTerritory

  73. ServiceTerritoryLocation

  74. ServiceTerritoryMember

  75. Shift

  76. ShiftPattern

  77. ShiftPatternEntry

  78. ShiftTemplate

  79. Shipment

  80. Skill

  81. SkillRequirement

  82. TimeSheet

  83. TimeSheetEntry

  84. TimeSlot

  85. TravelMode

  86. WarrantyTerm

  87. WorkCapacityAvailability

  88. WorkCapacityLimit

  89. WorkCapacityUsage

  90. WorkOrder

  91. WorkOrderLineItem

  92. WorkOrderLineItemStatus

  93. WorkPlan

  94. WorkPlanSelectionRule

  95. WorkPlanTemplate

  96. WorkPlanTemplateEntry

  97. WorkOrderStatus

  98. WorkStep

  99. WorkStepStatus

  100. WorkStepTemplate

  101. WorkType

  102. WorkTypeGroup

  103. WorkTypeGroupMember

Net Zero Cloud standard objects

  1. AirTravelEmssnFctr

  2. AirTravelEnrgyUse

  3. AntiCorruptionInitSum

  4. AnnualEmssnInventory

  5. AnnualEmssnRdctnTarget

  6. BldgEnrgyIntensity

  7. BldgEnrgyIntensityVal

  8. BldgSizeCategory

  9. CleanEnergyProject

  10. CrbnCreditAlloc

  11. CrbnCreditAllocItem

  12. CrbnCreditDistribution

  13. CrbnCreditProject

  14. CrbnEmssnScopeAlloc

  15. CrbnEmssnScopeAllocVal

  16. Disclosure

  17. DisclosureDefinition

  18. DisclosureDefinitionVersion

  19. DisclosureType

  20. DisclsReportingPeriod

  21. DivrsEquityInclSum

  22. EconomicPerformanceSum

  23. ElectricityEmssnFctrSet

  24. EmissionsActivity

  25. EmissionsAllocation

  26. EmissionsForecastFact

  27. EmploymentCompensationSummary

  28. EmpBenefitSummary

  29. EmployeeDevelopmentSum

  30. EmployeeDemographicSum

  31. EmssnRdctnCommitment

  32. • EmssnReductionTarget

  33. • EnergyAttrCertCredit

  34. • EnergyAttrCertPurchase

  35. • EnergyAttrCreditDstr

  36. • EnvironmentalRisk

  37. • FrgtHaulingEmssnFctr

  38. • FrgtHaulingEnrgyUse •

  39. FuelType

  40. • FuelTypeSustnUom

  41. • GeneratedWaste

  42. • GovtFinancialAsstSum

  43. • GroundTravelEmssnFctr

  44. • GroundTravelEnrgyUse

  45. • HotelStayEmssnFctr

  46. • HotelStayEnrgyUse

  47. • InflationRate

  48. • ManagedCareProgramPrfm

  49. • MaterialityAssessment

  50. • MaterialityMatrixScore

  51. • MaterialityStakeholder

  52. • MaterialityStkhldrCatg

  53. • MaterialityTopic

  54. • MaterialityTopicQstn

  55. • OrgIncidentSummary

  56. • OtherEmssnFctrSet

  57. • OtherEmssnFctrSetItem

  58. • PcmtEmssnFctrSet

  59. • PcmtEmssnFctrSetItem

  60. • ProductEmissionsFactor

  61. • ProgramInitiative

  62. • ProgramInitiativeEnrl

  63. • ReferenceDataLoadLog

  64. • RefrigerantEmssnFctr

  65. • RentalCarEmssnFctr

  66. • RentalCarEnrgyUse

  67. • Scope3CrbnFtprnt

  68. • Scope3EmssnSrc

  69. • Scope3PcmtItem

  70. • Scope3PcmtSummary

  71. • StnryAssetAnnualFact

  72. • StnryAssetCrbnFtprnt

  73. • StnryAssetCrbnFtprntItm

  74. • StnryAssetEnrgyUse

  75. StnryAssetEnvrSrc

  76. StnryAssetWaterActvty

  77. StnryAssetWaterFtprnt

  78. StnryAssetWtrFtprntItm

  79. SocialContributionSum

  80. Supplier

  81. SupplierProduct

  82. SustainabilityCredit

  83. SustainabilityPurchase

  84. SustainabilityScorecard

  85. SustainabilityUom

  86. SustnUomConversion

  87. TaxDisclosureSummary

  88. VehicleAssetCrbnFtprnt

  89. VehicleAssetEmssnSrc

  90. VehicleAssetEnrgyUse

  91. WasteFootprint

  92. WasteFootprintItem

  93. WstDispoEmssnFctrSet

  94. WstDispoEmssnFctrSetItm

Non-Profit Cloud standard objects

  1. AccountAccountRelation

  2. Benefit

  3. BenefitAssignment

  4. BenefitDisbursement

  5. BenefitSchedule

  6. BenefitScheduleAssignment

  7. BenefitSession

  8. BenefitType

  9. CarePlan

  10. CarePlanTemplate

  11. CarePlanTemplateBenefit

  12. CarePlanTemplateGoal

  13. CaseParticipant

  14. CaseProgram

  15. ComplaintCase

  16. ComplaintParticipant

  17. ContactContactRelation

  18. DonorGiftSummary

  19. GiftBatch

  20. GiftCmtChangeAttrLog

  21. GiftCommitment

  22. GiftCommitmentSchedule

  23. GiftDefaultDesignation

  24. GiftDesignation

  25. GiftEntry

  26. GiftRefund

  27. GiftSoftCredit

  28. GiftTransaction

  29. GiftTransactionDesignation

  30. GiftTribute

  31. GoalAssignment

  32. GoalDefinition

  33. Grantmaking Metadata API Types

  34. Grantmaking Object Reference

  35. Grantmaking Tooling API Object

  36. ImpactStrategy

  37. ImpactStrategyAssignment

  38. IndicatorAssignment

  39. IndicatorDefinition

  40. IndicatorPerformancePeriod

  41. IndicatorResult

  42. Interaction

  43. InteractionAttendee

  44. InteractionRelatedAccount

  45. InteractionSumDiscussedAccount

  46. InteractionSummary

  47. Outcome

  48. OutcomeActivity

  49. OutreachSourceCode

  50. OutreachSummary

  51. PartyRelationshipGroup

  52. PartyRoleRelation

  53. PaymentInstrument

  54. Program

  55. ProgramEnrollment

  56. PublicComplaint

  57. RecurrenceSchedule

  58. Referral

  59. TimePeriod

  60. UnitOfMeasure

'Platform' standard objects

  1. Account

  2. AccountContactRelation

  3. AccountRelationship

  4. Activity

  5. Asset

  6. AuthorizationForm

  7. AuthorizationFormConsent

  8. AuthorizationFormDataUse

  9. AuthorizationFormText

  10. BusinessAccount

  11. Campaign

  12. Case

  13. CommunicationSubscription

  14. CommunicationSubscriptionChannelType

  15. CommunicationSubscriptionConsent

  16. CommunicationSubscriptionTiming

  17. Contact

  18. ContactPoint

  19. ContactPointAddress

  20. ContactPointEmail

  21. ContactPointPhone

  22. ContactPointTypeConsent

  23. ContactRequest

  24. ContentDocument

  25. ContentDocumentVersion

  26. Customer

  27. DataUsePurpose

  28. DigitalSignature

  29. EngagementChannelType

  30. Event

  31. EventRelation

  32. Group

  33. Idea

  34. Individual

  35. Image

  36. InfoAuthorizationRequestForm

  37. Lead

  38. Location

  39. Macro

  40. Order

  41. PartyConsent

  42. PrivateContact

  43. Product

  44. Seller

  45. Solution

  46. Task

  47. TaskRelation

  48. User

Add-on Clouds

Here is a list of Salesforce Clouds and their standard objects supported on as Add-On licenses:

Loyalty Management Cloud standard objects

  1. Benefit

  2. BenefitParameterValue

  3. BenefitType

  4. GameDefinition

  5. GameParticipant

  6. GameParticipantReward

  7. GameReward

  8. JournalReason

  9. JournalSubType

  10. JournalType

  11. LoyaltyAggrPointExprLedger

  12. LoyaltyLedger

  13. LoyaltyMemberCurrency

  14. LoyaltyMembershipLifecycle

  15. LoyaltyMemberTier

  16. LoyaltyPartnerProduct

  17. LoyaltyPgmEngmtAttribute

  18. LoyaltyPgmEngmtAttrProm

  19. LoyaltyPgmGroupMbrRlnsp

  20. LoyaltyPgmMbrAttributeVal

  21. LoyaltyPgmMbrPromEligView

  22. LoyaltyPgmPartnerCurrency

  23. LoyaltyPgmPartnerPromotion

  24. LoyaltyPgmPtnrLdgrSummary

  25. LoyaltyPgmPtnrPrepaidPack

  26. LoyaltyProgram

  27. LoyaltyProgramBadge

  28. LoyaltyProgramCurrency

  29. LoyaltyProgramMbrPromotion

  30. LoyaltyProgramMember

  31. LoyaltyProgramMemberBadge

  32. LoyaltyProgramMemberCase

  33. LoyaltyProgramMemberMerge

  34. LoyaltyProgramPartner

  35. LoyaltyProgramPartnerLedger

  36. LoyaltyProgramProcess

  37. LoyaltyProgramWidget

  38. LoyaltyTier

  39. LoyaltyTierBenefit

  40. LoyaltyTierGroup

  41. MemberBenefit

  42. NetworkReferencedObject

  43. Promotion

  44. PromotionChannel

  45. PromotionLimit

  46. PromotionLimitUsage

  47. PromotionLoyaltyPtnrProdt

  48. PromotionMarketSegment

  49. PromotionPartyUsage

  50. PromotionPartyUsageDetail

  51. PromotionProduct

  52. PromotionProductCategory

  53. PromotionRuleTemplate

  54. TransactionJournal

  55. Voucher

  56. VoucherDefinition

Experience Cloud standard objects

  1. Account

  2. AccountBrand

  3. AccountRelationship

  4. Accreditation

  5. ActionPlan

  6. ActionPlanTemplate

  7. Address

  8. AiVisitRecommendation

  9. AiVisitTaskRcmd

  10. ApplicationCase

  11. AppointmentTopicTimeSlot

  12. AssessmentIndicatorDefinition

  13. AssessmentTask

  14. AssessmentTaskContentDocument

  15. AssessmentTaskDefinition

  16. AssessmentTaskIndDefinition

  17. AssessmentTaskOrder

  18. Asset

  19. Assortment

  20. AssortmentProduct

  21. AuthApplicationAsset

  22. AuthApplicationPlace

  23. AuthLocationAccessSchedule

  24. AuthorizationForm

  25. AuthorizationFormConsent

  26. AuthorizationFormDataUse

  27. AuthorizationFormText

  28. AuthorizedInsuranceLine

  29. Award

  30. BackgroundOperation

  31. Benefit

  32. BenefitParameterValue

  33. BenefitType

  34. BoardCertification

  35. BusinessLicense

  36. BusinessLicenseApplication

  37. BusinessMilestone

  38. BusinessProfile

  39. BusinessType

  40. BusRegAuthorizationType

  41. BusRegAuthTypeDependency

  42. BuyerAccount

  43. Campaign

  44. CareBarrier

  45. CareBarrierDeterminant

  46. CareBarrierType

  47. CareDeterminant

  48. CareDeterminantType

  49. CareDiagnosis

  50. CareInterventionType

  51. CareMetricTarget

  52. CareObservation

  53. CarePgmProvHealthcareProvider

  54. CarePractnFacilityAppt

  55. CarePreauth

  56. CarePreauthItem

  57. CareProgram

  58. CareProgramCampaign

  59. CareProgramEligibilityRule

  60. CareProgramEnrollee

  61. CareProgramEnrolleeProduct

  62. CareProgramEnrollmentCard

  63. CareProgramGoal

  64. CareProgramProduct

  65. CareProgramProvider

  66. CareProgramTeamMember

  67. CareProviderAdverseAction

  68. CareProviderFacilitySpecialty

  69. CareProviderSearchableField

  70. CareRegisteredDevice

  71. CareRequest

  72. CareRequestDrug

  73. CareRequestExtension

  74. CareRequestItem

  75. CareRequestReviewer

  76. CareSpecialty

  77. CareSpecialtyTaxonomy

  78. CareTaxonomy

  79. Case

  80. ChannelProgram

  81. ChannelProgramLevel

  82. ChannelProgramMember

  83. Claim

  84. ClaimCase

  85. ClaimCoverage

  86. ClaimItem

  87. ClaimParticipant

  88. ClaimPaymentSummary

  89. CodeSet

  90. CommSubscription

  91. CommSubscriptionChannelType

  92. CommSubscriptionConsent

  93. CommSubscriptionTiming

  94. ComplaintCase

  95. ConsumptionSchedule

  96. Contact

  97. ContactEncounter

  98. ContactPointAddress

  99. ContactPointConsent

  100. ContactPointEmail

  101. ContactPointPhone

  102. ContactPointTypeConsent

  103. Contract

  104. ContractLineItem

  105. CourseOffering

  106. CoverageBenefit

  107. CoverageBenefitItem

  108. CoverageType

  109. CustomerProperty

  110. DandBCompany

  111. DataUsePurpose

  112. DeliveryTask

  113. DistributorAuthorization

  114. Document

  115. DocumentChecklistItem

  116. DocumentTemplate

  117. DocumentTemplateClause

  118. ElectronicMediaGroup

  119. EngagementChannelType

  120. EnrolleeBenefit

  121. EnrollmentEligibilityCriteria

  122. Entitlement

  123. EntitlementContact

  124. Examination

  125. Expense

  126. ExpenseReport

  127. FulfillmentOrder

  128. GeneratedDocument

  129. HealthCareDiagnosis

  130. HealthcareFacilityNetwork

  131. HealthcarePayerNetwork

  132. HealthcarePractitionerFacility

  133. HealthCareProcedure

  134. HealthcareProvider

  135. HealthcareProviderNpi

  136. HealthcareProviderSpecialty

  137. HealthcareProviderTaxonomy

  138. Household

  139. Idea

  140. IdeaTheme

  141. IdentityDocument

  142. Image

  143. Individual

  144. IndividualApplication

  145. InfoAuthorizationRequest

  146. InspectionAssessmentInd

  147. InspectionType

  148. InspectionViolation

  149. InStoreLocation

  150. InsuranceClaimAsset

  151. InsurancePolicy

  152. InsurancePolicyAsset

  153. InsurancePolicyCoverage

  154. InsurancePolicyMemberAsset

  155. InsurancePolicyParticipant

  156. InsurancePolicySurcharge

  157. InsurancePolicyTransaction

  158. InsuranceProfile

  159. JobProfile

  160. JournalSubType

  161. JournalType

  162. Lead

  163. LegalEntity

  164. LoanApplicant

  165. LoanApplicantAddress

  166. LoanApplicantAsset

  167. LoanApplicantDeclaration

  168. LoanApplicantEmployment

  169. LoanApplicantIncome

  170. LoanApplicantLiability

  171. LoanApplicationAsset

  172. LoanApplicationFinancial

  173. LoanApplicationLiability

  174. LoanApplicationProperty

  175. LoanApplicationTitleHolder

  176. Location

  177. LocationGroup

  178. LoyaltyLedger

  179. LoyaltyMemberCurrency

  180. LoyaltyMemberTier

  181. LoyaltyProgram

  182. LoyaltyProgramCurrency

  183. LoyaltyProgramMbrPromotion

  184. LoyaltyProgramMember

  185. LoyaltyProgramPartner

  186. LoyaltyTier

  187. LoyaltyTierBenefit

  188. LoyaltyTierGroup

  189. MaintenancePlan

  190. MaintenanceWorkRule

  191. MemberBenefit

  192. MemberPlan

  193. OccupationLicenseApplication

  194. OmniDataTransform

  195. OmniDataTransformItem

  196. OmniESignatureTemplate

  197. OmniProcess

  198. OmniProcessCompilation

  199. OmniProcessElement

  200. OmniScriptSavedSession

  201. OmniUiCard

  202. OperatingHours

  203. Opportunity

  204. Order

  205. OrderDeliveryMethod

  206. OrderSummary

  207. PartnerFundAllocation

  208. PartnerFundClaim

  209. PartnerFundRequest

  210. PartnerMarketingBudget

  211. PartyConsent

  212. PartyIncome

  213. PartyRelatedParty

  214. PartyRelationshipType

  215. PersonEducation

  216. PersonEmployment

  217. PersonExamination

  218. PersonLifeEvent

  219. PgmRebateTypBnftMapping

  220. PlanBenefit

  221. PlanBenefitItem

  222. Polygon

  223. PreliminaryApplicationRef

  224. Pricebook2

  225. Producer

  226. ProducerCommission

  227. ProducerPolicyAssignment

  228. Product2

  229. ProductCatalog

  230. ProductCategory

  231. ProductCategoryProduct

  232. ProductCoverage

  233. ProductItem

  234. ProductRequest

  235. ProductServiceCampaign

  236. ProductTransfer

  237. ProgramRebateType

  238. ProgramRebateTypeBenefit

  239. ProgramRebateTypeFilter

  240. ProgramRebateTypePayout

  241. ProgramRebateTypPayoutSrc

  242. Promotion

  243. PromotionChannel

  244. PromotionProduct

  245. PromotionProductCategory

  246. PublicComplaint

  247. PublicProgram

  248. PurchaserPlan

  249. PurchaserPlanAssn

  250. Question

  251. Quote

  252. RebateMemberProductAggregate

  253. RebatePayment

  254. RebatePayoutAdjustment

  255. RebateProgram

  256. RebateProgramMember

  257. ReceivedDocument

  258. RecordsetFilterCriteria

  259. RegAuthorizationTypeProduct

  260. RegulatoryAuthority

  261. RegulatoryAuthorizationType

  262. RegulatoryCode

  263. RegulatoryCodeAssessmentInd

  264. RegulatoryCodeViolation

  265. RegulatoryTrxnFee

  266. RegulatoryTrxnFeeItem

  267. ResidentialLoanApplication

  268. RetailLocationGroup

  269. RetailStore

  270. RetailStoreGroupAssignment

  271. RetailStoreKpi

  272. RetailVisitKpi

  273. ReturnOrder

  274. SalesAgreement

  275. SecuritiesHolding

  276. SerializedProduct

  277. ServiceAppointment

  278. ServiceContract

  279. ServiceCrew

  280. ServiceResource

  281. ServiceTerritory

  282. Shift

  283. ShiftPattern

  284. Shipment

  285. SocialPost

  286. Solution

  287. StoreActionPlanTemplate

  288. StoreAssortment

  289. StoreProduct

  290. Survey

  291. SurveyInvitation

  292. SurveyResponse

  293. SurveySubject

  294. TimeSheet

  295. TrainingCourseParticipant

  296. TransactionJournal

  297. TrnCourse

  298. UnitOfMeasure

  299. UnitOfMeasureConversion

  300. VehicleUserAssignment

  301. ViolationEnforcementAction

  302. ViolationInspAssessmentInd

  303. ViolationType

  304. ViolationTypeAssessmentInd

  305. Visit

  306. VisitedParty

  307. Visitor

  308. VolunteerProject

  309. Voucher

  310. VoucherDefinition

  311. WarrantyTerm

  312. WebCart

  313. WebStore

  314. WebStoreCatalog

  315. Wishlist

  316. WorkCapacityLimit

  317. WorkerCompCoverageClass

  318. WorkOrder

  319. WorkPlan

  320. WorkPlanSelectionRule

  321. WorkPlanTemplate

  322. WorkStepTemplate

  323. WorkType

  324. WorkTypeCareSpecialty

  325. WorkTypeCodeSetBundle

  326. WorkTypeGroup

Consumer Goods Cloud standard objects

  1. Account

  2. Asset

  3. AssessmentIndicatorDefinition

  4. AssessmentIndDefinedValue

  5. AssessmentIndValue

  6. AssessmentTask

  7. AssessmentTaskContentDocument

  8. AssessmentTaskDefinition

  9. AssessmentTaskIndDefinition

  10. AssessmentTaskOrder

  11. Assortment

  12. AssortmentProduct

  13. DeliveryTask

  14. InStoreLocation

  15. Operatinghours

  16. OtherComponentTask

  17. Product2

  18. Promotion

  19. PromotionChannel

  20. PromotionProduct

  21. PromotionProductCategory

  22. RetailLocationGroup

  23. RetailStore

  24. RetailStoreGroupAssignment

  25. RetailStoreKpi

  26. RetailVisitKpi

  27. StoreActionPlanTemplate

  28. StoreAssortment

  29. StoreProduct

  30. Task

  31. User

  32. VehicleUserAssignment

  33. Visit

  34. Visitor

  35. VisitedParty

Education Cloud standard objects

  1. AcademicCredential

  2. AcademicSession

  3. AcademicTerm

  4. AcademicTermEnrollment

  5. AcademicYear

  6. ApplicationDecision

  7. ApplicationRecommendation

  8. ApplicationRecommender

  9. ApplicationRenderMethod

  10. ApplnRenderMethodAssignment

  11. ApplicationReview

  12. ApplicationSectionDefinition

  13. ApplicationStageDefinition

  14. ApplnStageSectionDefinition

  15. ApplicationTimeline

  16. CaseTeamMemberProgram

  17. ConstituentRole

  18. ContactProfile

  19. CourseOfferingParticipant

  20. CourseOfferingPtcpResult

  21. CourseOfferingSchedule

  22. CourseOfferingScheduleTmpl

  23. EducationalInfoRequest

  24. IndividualApplicationTask

  25. LearnerProgram

  26. LearnerProgramRequirement

  27. LearnerProgramRqmtProgress

  28. Learning

  29. LearningAchievement

  30. LearningAchievementConfig

  31. LearningCourse

  32. LearningFoundationItem

  33. LearningOutcomeItem

  34. LearningProgram

  35. LearningProgramPlan

  36. LearningProgramPlanRqmt

  37. LocationUse

  38. PersonAcademicCredential

  39. PersonDisability

  40. PersonPublicProfile

  41. PersonPublicProfilePrefSet

  42. ProgramTermApplnTimeline

  43. ProviderOffering

  44. SuccessTeam

  45. WorkTypeGroupRole

Energy and Utilities Cloud standard objects

  1. ApplicationFormTemplate

  2. Benefit

  3. BenefitAssignment

  4. BenefitDisbursement

  5. BenefitType

  6. BenefitSchedule

  7. BenefitSession

  8. Budget

  9. BudgetCategory

  10. BudgetCategoryValue

  11. BudgetPeriod

  12. CaseProgram

  13. IndicatorAssignment

  14. IndividualApplicationItem

  15. IndividualApplication

  16. Location

  17. PreliminaryApplicationRef

  18. Program

  19. ProgramEnrollment

  20. ProgramProduct

  21. UsageImpactFactor

  22. UsageImpactGroup

  23. UsageImpactGroupFactor

  24. UsageImpactGroupPgmMeasure

  25. UsageImpactGroupVersion

  26. WorkReportLineItem

  27. WorkReportError

  28. WorkReport

Financial Services Cloud standard objects

  1. Applicant

  2. ApplicationForm

  3. ApplicationFormProduct

  4. Account Custom Fields

  5. AccountAccountRelation

  6. AccountContactRelation Standard and Custom Fields

  7. AccountParticipant

  8. Alert

  9. AssetsAndLiabilities

  10. AuthFormRequestRecord

  11. AuthorizationForm Custom Fields

  12. AuthorizationFormConsent Custom Fields

  13. AuthorizationFormText Custom Fields

  14. AuthorizedInsuranceLine

  15. Award

  16. Banker

  17. BillingStatement

  18. BranchUnit

  19. BranchUnitBusinessMember

  20. BranchUnitCustomer

  21. BranchUnitRelatedRecord

  22. BusinessLicense

  23. BusinessMilestone

  24. BusinessProfile

  25. Card

  26. CaseGatewayRequest

  27. ChargesAndFees

  28. Claim

  29. ClaimCase

  30. ClaimCoverage

  31. ClaimCoveragePaymentDetail

  32. ClaimCovPaymentAdjustment

  33. ClaimCovReserveAdjustment

  34. ClaimFinancialSettings

  35. ClaimItem

  36. ClaimParticipant

  37. ClaimPayoutPlan

  38. ClaimPaymentSummary

  39. ClaimRecovery

  40. ClaimTeamMember

  41. Contact Custom Fields

  42. ContactContactRelation

  43. ContractGroupPlan

  44. ContractGroupPlanGroupClass

  45. CoverageType

  46. CustomerProperty

  47. CustomObjectParticipant

  48. DataUsePurpose Custom Fields

  49. Dispute

  50. DisputeItem

  51. DisputeItemMerchantAlert

  52. DistributorAuthorization

  53. DocChkItemValidatedTarget

  54. DocumentCategory

  55. DocumentCategoryDocumentType

  56. DocumentChecklistItem

  57. DocumentType

  58. Education

  59. Employment

  60. Event Custom Fields

  61. FinancialAccount

  62. FinancialAccountRole

  63. FinancialAccountTransaction

  64. FinancialDeal

  65. FinancialDealAsset

  66. FinancialDealBid

  67. FinancialDealInteraction

  68. FinancialDealParty

  69. FinancialDealParticipant

  70. FinancialDealProduct

  71. FinancialGoal

  72. FinancialGoalFunding

  73. FinancialGoalParty

  74. FinancialHolding

  75. FinancialPlan

  76. FinclDealInteractionSummary

  77. FlowOrchestrationInstRelaObj

  78. GroupCensus

  79. GroupCensusMember

  80. GroupCensusMemberPlan

  81. GroupClass

  82. GroupClassContribution

  83. InfoAuthorizationRequest

  84. InfoAuthRequestForm

  85. IdentificationDocument

  86. IdentityDocument

  87. IdentityVerification

  88. InsPolicyTransactionDetail

  89. InsuranceClaimAsset

  90. InsuranceContract

  91. InsurancePolicy

  92. InsurancePolicyAsset

  93. InsurancePolicyCoverage

  94. InsurancePolicyMemberAsset

  95. InsurancePolicyParticipant

  96. InsurancePolicySurcharge

  97. InsurancePolicyTransaction

  98. InsuranceProfile

  99. Interaction

  100. IntegrationProviderAttr

  101. IntegrationProviderDef

  102. InteractionAttendee

  103. InteractionParticipant

  104. InteractionRelatedAccount

  105. InteractionSumDiscussedAccount

  106. InteractionSummary

  107. InteractionSummaryParticipant

  108. Lead Custom Fields

  109. LifeEvent

  110. LoanApplicant

  111. LoanApplicantAddress

  112. LoanApplicantAsset

  113. LoanApplicantDeclaration

  114. LoanApplicantEmployment

  115. LoanApplicantIncome

  116. LoanApplicantLiability

  117. LoanApplicationAsset

  118. LoanApplicationFinancial

  119. LoanApplicationLiability

  120. LoanApplicationProperty

  121. LoanApplicationTitleHolder

  122. MultipartyInfoAuthRequest

  123. Opportunity Custom Fields

  124. OpportunityParticipant

  125. PartyCertifiedCapacity

  126. PartyIncome

  127. ParticipantRole

  128. PartyIdentityVerification

  129. PartyIdentityVerificationStep

  130. PartyProfile

  131. PartyProfileAddress

  132. PartyProfileRisk

  133. PartyScreeningStep

  134. PartyScreeningSummary

  135. PaymentRequest

  136. PaymentRequestLine

  137. PersonEducation

  138. PersonLifeEvent

  139. PolicyPaymentMethod

  140. Producer

  141. ProducerCommission

  142. ProducerPolicyAssignment

  143. ProductCoverage

  144. QuoteLineItemGroupClass

  145. ReciprocalRole

  146. RelatedRecordAssocCriteria

  147. ResidentialLoanApplication

  148. Revenue

  149. Securities

  150. SecuritiesHolding

  151. SvcCatalogItemAttribute

  152. SvcCatalogItemDependency

  153. SvcCatalogRequest Custom Fields

  154. TagCategory

  155. UserFinancialAuthority

  156. WealthAppConfig

  157. WorkerCompCoverageClass

Government / Public Sector Cloud standard objects

  1. AccountAccountRelation

  2. AccountContactRelation

  3. Accreditation

  4. ActionPlan

  5. ActionPlanItem

  6. ActionPlanTemplate

  7. ActionPlanTemplateItem

  8. ActionPlanTemplateItemValue

  9. ActionPlanTemplateVersion

  10. ActionPlanTemplateAssignment

  11. ApplicationDecision

  12. ApplicationReview

  13. ApplicationTimeline

  14. AssessmentIndicatorDefinition

  15. AssessmentIndDefinedValue

  16. AssessmentIndValue

  17. AssessmentTask

  18. AssessmentTaskDefinition

  19. AssessmentTaskContentDocument

  20. AssessmentTaskIndDefinition

  21. AuthApplicationAsset

  22. AuthApplicationPlace

  23. AuthLocationAccessSchedule

  24. Award

  25. Benefit

  26. BenefitAssignment

  27. BenefitAssignmentAdjustment

  28. BenefitDisbursement

  29. BenefitDisbursementAdj

  30. BenefitItemCode

  31. BenefitPrvdSearchableFld

  32. BenefitSchedule

  33. BenefitSession

  34. BenefitSpecialty

  35. BenefitType

  36. BoardCertification

  37. Budget

  38. BudgetAllocation

  39. BudgetCategory

  40. BudgetCategoryValue

  41. BudgetParticipant

  42. BudgetPeriod

  43. BusinessLicense

  44. BusinessLicenseApplication

  45. BusinessMilestone

  46. BusinessProfile

  47. BusinessType

  48. BusRegAuthorizationType

  49. BusRegAuthTypeDependency

  50. CarePlan

  51. CarePlanTemplate

  52. CarePlanTemplateBenefit

  53. CarePlanTemplateGoal

  54. CareProviderAdverseAction

  55. CareProviderFacilitySpecialty

  56. CareSpecialty

  57. CaseEpisode

  58. CaseParticipant

  59. CaseProceeding

  60. CaseProceedingComplaint

  61. CaseProceedingInfraction

  62. CaseProceedingParticipant

  63. CaseProceedingResult

  64. Claim

  65. ClaimItem

  66. ClaimParticipant

  67. CodeSet

  68. CodeSetBundle

  69. ComplaintCase

  70. ComplaintParticipant

  71. Contact

  72. ContactContactRelation

  73. ContactProfile

  74. CourseOffering

  75. CustodyChainEntry

  76. CustodyItem

  77. CustodyItemRelation

  78. CustodyItemRgltyCodeVio

  79. DocumentChecklistItem

  80. Examination

  81. FundingAward

  82. FundingAwardAmendment

  83. FundingAwardParticipant

  84. FundingAwardRequirement

  85. FundingDisbursement

  86. FundingOpportunity

  87. FundingOppParticipant

  88. GoalAssignment

  89. HealthcareFacility

  90. HealthcarePractitionerFacility

  91. HealthcareProvider

  92. HealthcareProviderNpi

  93. HealthcareProviderSpecialty

  94. IndividualApplication

  95. IndividualApplnParticipant

  96. InspectionAssessmentInd

  97. InspectionType

  98. InsurancePolicy

  99. InsurancePolicyTransaction

  100. Interaction

  101. InteractionAttendee

  102. InteractionRelatedAccount

  103. InteractionSumDiscussedAccount

  104. InteractionSummary

  105. Location

  106. OmniAssessmentTask

  107. OmniDataPack

  108. OmniDataTransform

  109. OmniDataTransformItem

  110. OmniESignature

  111. OmniProcess

  112. OmniProcessCompilation

  113. OmniProcessElement

  114. OmniProcessTransientData

  115. OmniScriptSavedSession

  116. OmniUiCard

  117. OperatingHours

  118. OperatingHoursHoliday

  119. PartyCertifiedCapacity

  120. PartyExpense

  121. PartyFinancialAsset

  122. PartyIncome

  123. PartyRelationshipGroup

  124. PartyRoleRelation

  125. PaymentRequest

  126. PaymentRequestLine

  127. PersonDisability

  128. PersonEducation

  129. PersonEmployment

  130. PersonExamination

  131. PersonLifeEvent

  132. Polygon

  133. PreliminaryApplicationRef

  134. Program

  135. PublicApplicationParticipant

  136. PublicComplaint

  137. RecordAggregationResult

  138. RecurrenceSchedule

  139. ReceivedDocument

  140. ReceivedDocumentType

  141. Referral

  142. RegulatoryAuthority

  143. RegulatoryAuthorizationType

  144. RegulatoryCode

  145. RegulatoryCodeUse

  146. RegCodeAssessmentInd

  147. RegulatoryCodeViolation

  148. RegulatoryTrxnFee

  149. RegulatoryTrxnFeeItem

  150. RegAuthorizationTypeProduct

  151. SignatureTask

  152. SignatureTaskLineItem

  153. TagCategory

  154. TimeSlot

  155. TrainingCourseParticipant

  156. TrnCourse

  157. ViolationEnforcementAction

  158. ViolationType

  159. ViolationTypeUse

  160. ViolationTypeAssessmentInd

  161. Visit

  162. Visitor

  163. VisitedParty

  164. VolunteerProject

  165. WorkerCompCoverageClass

Health Cloud standard objects

  1. Accreditation

  2. ActionPlanTemplateAssignment

  3. ActionPlanTemplateItem

  4. Actionplantemplate

  5. ActionVisibility

  6. Address

  7. AllergyIntolerance

  8. ApplicationCase

  9. AssessmentEnvelope

  10. AssessmentEnvelopeItem

  11. AssessmentTask

  12. AsmtQstnRespRecommendation

  13. AuthorNote

  14. Award

  15. BoardCertification

  16. BundledCareFeeAgreement

  17. BusinessLicense

  18. CareBarrier

  19. CareBarrierDeterminant

  20. CareBarrierType

  21. CareBenefitVerifyRequest

  22. CareDiagnosis

  23. CareDeterminant

  24. CareDeterminantType

  25. CareEpisode

  26. CareEpisodeDetail

  27. CareFacilityBed

  28. CareGap

  29. CareGapCriteriaResult

  30. CareInterventionType

  31. CareMetricTarget

  32. CareObservation

  33. CarePayer

  34. CarePerformer

  35. CarePgmEnrolleeWorkOrder

  36. CarePgmEnrolleeWkOrdStep

  37. CarePgmProvHealthcareProvider

  38. CarePlan

  39. CarePlanActivity

  40. CarePlanActivityDetail

  41. CarePlanDetail

  42. CarePlanTemplate

  43. CarePlanTemplateGoal

  44. CarePlanTemplateProblem

  45. CarePreauth

  46. CarePreauthItem

  47. CareProcessingError

  48. CareProgram

  49. CareProgramCampaign

  50. CareProgramEligibilityRule

  51. CareProgramEnrollee

  52. CareProgramEnrolleeProduct

  53. CareProgramEnrollmentCard

  54. CareProgramGoal

  55. CareProgramProduct

  56. CareProgramProvider

  57. CareProgramTeamMember

  58. CareProviderAdverseAction

  59. CareProviderFacilitySpecialty

  60. CareProviderSearchConfig

  61. CareProviderSearchableField

  62. CareRegisteredDevice

  63. CareRequest

  64. CareRequestDrug

  65. CareRequestExtension

  66. CareRequestItem

  67. CareRequestReviewer

  68. CareService

  69. CareServiceVisit

  70. CareServiceVisitPlan

  71. CareSpecialty

  72. CareSpecialtyTaxonomy

  73. CareSystemFieldMapping

  74. CategorizedCareFeeAgreement

  75. ClinicalAlert

  76. ClinicalDetectedIssue

  77. ClinicalDetectedIssueDetail

  78. ClinicalEncounter

  79. ClinicalMeasure

  80. ClinicalMeasureCriteria

  81. ClinicalMeasureCriteriaGrp

  82. ClinicalServiceRequest

  83. ClinicalServiceRequestDetail

  84. CodeSet

  85. CodeSetBundle

  86. ContractPaymentAgreement

  87. CoverageBenefit

  88. CoverageBenefitItem

  89. CoverageBenefitItemLimit

  90. CustodyChainEntry

  91. CustodyItem

  92. CustodyVerfcTypeOverride

  93. DigitalVerification

  94. DigitalVerificationSetup

  95. DigitalVerfSetupDetail

  96. DiagnosticSummary

  97. DocumentChecklistItem

  98. EhrPatientCareProvider

  99. EngagementAttendee

  100. EngagementInteraction

  101. EngagementTopic

  102. EnrollmentEligibilityCriteria

  103. FeeScheduleDefinition

  104. GoalAssignment

  105. GoalAssignmentDetail

  106. GoalDefinition

  107. HealthCareDiagnosis

  108. HealthCareProcedure

  109. HealthCondition

  110. HealthcareFacility

  111. HealthcareFacilityNetwork

  112. HealthcarePayerNetwork

  113. HealthcarePractitionerFacility

  114. HealthcareProvider

  115. HealthcareProviderNpi

  116. HealthcareProviderService

  117. HealthcareProviderSpecialty

  118. HealthcareProviderTaxonomy

  119. HealthcareServiceDetail

  120. HlthCareProvTreatedCondition

  121. Identifier

  122. IndividualApplication

  123. InsurancePolicy

  124. Medication

  125. MedicationDispense

  126. MedicationReconciliation

  127. MedicationRequest

  128. MedicationStatement

  129. MedicationTherapyReview

  130. MedicationTherapyStmtReview

  131. MedReconRecommendation

  132. MedReconStmtRecommendation

  133. MedTherapyStmtReviewIssue

  134. Member

  135. MemberPlan

  136. OcrDocumentScanResult

  137. Payer

  138. PatientHealthReaction

  139. PatientImmunization

  140. PatientMedicalProcedure

  141. PatientMedicationDosage

  142. PersonEducation

  143. PersonEmployment

  144. PersonLanguage

  145. PersonLifeEvent

  146. PersonName

  147. PlanBenefit

  148. PlanBenefitItem

  149. Pricebook2

  150. Pricebookentry

  151. Product2

  152. ProductAvailabilityProjection

  153. ProductFulfillmentLocation

  154. ProductItem

  155. ProductRequest

  156. ProductRequestLineItem

  157. productrequired

  158. producttransfer

  159. ProviderNetworkContract

  160. ProviderNetworkTier

  161. ProblemDefinition

  162. ProblemGoalDefinition

  163. PreventiveCareAgreement

  164. Product2

  165. Purchaser

  166. PurchaserGroup

  167. PurchaserGroupMemberAssociation

  168. Purchaser Payer Association

  169. PurchaserPlan

  170. PurchaserPlanAssn

  171. PercentileBsdCareFeeAgreement

  172. RecordAction

  173. ReceivedDocument

  174. ReceivedDocumentType

  175. ScheduleBroadcast

  176. ScheduleBroadcastAppointment

  177. ScheduleBroadcastTerritory

  178. ScheduleBrdcstApptResource

  179. SerializedProduct

  180. ServiceAppointmentGroup

  181. ServiceTerritoryRelationship

  182. SharedSavingPaymentAgreement

  183. SkillType

  184. StandardCareFeeAgreement

  185. Team

  186. TeamMember

  187. TimelineObjectDefinitionLocalization

  188. TrackedCommunication

  189. TrackedCommunicationDetail

  190. UnitOfMeasure

  191. Visit

  192. VisitedParty

  193. Visitor

  194. WorkProcedure

  195. WorkProcedureStep

  196. WorkTypeCareSpecialty

  197. WorkTypeCodeSetBundle

  198. WorkTypeExtension

  199. WorkTypeStep

  200. WorkTypeStepLdTimeOvride

  201. WorkTypeSvcTerrSchdPrio

Manufacturing Cloud standard objects

  1. AccountForecast

  2. AccountForecastAdjustment

  3. AccountForecastPeriodMetric

  4. AccountProductForecast

  5. AccountProductPeriodForecast

  6. AcctMgrPeriodicTargetDstr

  7. AcctMgrTarget

  8. AcctMgrTargetDstr

  9. AcctMgrTargetMeasure

  10. AdvAcctForecastAdjPeriod

  11. AdvAcctForecastDimension

  12. AdvAcctForecastDimSource

  13. AdvAcctFrcstDisplayGroup

  14. AdvAcctFrcstDplyGroupItem

  15. AdvAccountForecastFact

  16. AdvAccountForecastFormula

  17. AdvAcctForecastFactAdj

  18. AdvAcctForecastMeasureDef

  19. AdvAccountForecastPeriod

  20. AdvAcctForecastPeriodGroup

  21. AdvAccountForecastSet

  22. AdvAcctForecastSetPartner

  23. AdvAcctForecastSetUse

  24. AssetAccountParticipant

  25. AssetContactParticipant

  26. AssetMilestone

  27. AssetWarranty

  28. Claim

  29. ClaimCoverage

  30. ClaimCoveragePaymentDetail

  31. ClaimItem

  32. ClaimParticipant

  33. CodeSet

  34. CodesetRelationship

  35. EngagementAttendee

  36. EngagementInteraction

  37. Fleet

  38. FleetAsset

  39. FleetParticipant

  40. EngagementTopic

  41. GnrcVstKeyPerformanceInd

  42. GenericVisitTask

  43. GenericVisitTaskContext

  44. GnrcVstTaskContextRelation

  45. ManufacturingProgram

  46. MfgProgramCpntFrcstFact

  47. MfgProgramForecastFact

  48. MfgProgramTemplate

  49. MfgProgramTemplateItem

  50. MfgProgramVariantFrcstFact

  51. ProductConsumed

  52. ProductConsumedState

  53. ProductFaultCode

  54. ProductItem

  55. ProductItemTransaction

  56. ProductLaborCode

  57. ProductServiceCampaign (added in latest API version)

  58. ProductServiceCampaignItem (added in latest API version)

  59. ProductRelatedMaterial

  60. ProductRequest

  61. ProductRequestLineItem

  62. ProductRequired

  63. ProductTransfer

  64. ProductTransferState

  65. ProductWarrantyTerm

  66. ReturnOrder

  67. ReturnOrderLineItem

  68. SalesAgreement

  69. SalesAgreementProduct

  70. SalesAgreementProductSchedule

  71. SalesAgreeProductAttribute

  72. SalesContractLine

  73. SerializedProduct

  74. SerializedProductTransaction

  75. Shipment

  76. ShipmentItem

  77. Supplier

  78. SupplierProduct

  79. WarrantyTerm

  80. WarrantyTermCoverage

Automotive Cloud standard objects

  1. AccountAccountRelation

  2. AssessmentIndicatorDefinition

  3. AssetAccountParticipant

  4. AssetContactParticipant

  5. AssetMilestone

  6. AssetTitle

  7. AssetTitleParty

  8. AssetWarranty

  9. Claim

  10. ClaimCoverage

  11. ClaimCoveragePaymentDetail

  12. ClaimItem

  13. ClaimParticipant

  14. Codeset

  15. CodesetRelationship

  16. ContactContactRelation

  17. FinancialAccount

  18. FinancialAccountAddress

  19. FinancialAccountBalance

  20. FinancialAccountFee

  21. FinancialAccountParty

  22. FinancialAccountStatement

  23. FinancialAccountTransaction

  24. FinclAcctPtyFinclAsset

  25. Fleet

  26. FleetAsset

  27. FleetParticipant

  28. GenericVisitTask

  29. GenericVisitTaskContext

  30. GnrcVstKeyPerformanceInd

  31. GnrcVstTaskContextRelation

  32. Holiday

  33. LeadLineItem

  34. LeadPreferredSeller

  35. OpportunityPreferredSeller

  36. PartyFinancialAsset

  37. PartyFinclAssetAddlOwner

  38. PartyRelationshipGroup

  39. PartyRoleRelation

  40. ProductFaultCode

  41. ProductLaborCode

  42. ProductWarrantyTerm

  43. RebateClaim

  44. ServiceAppointment

  45. ServiceResourceSkill

  46. ServiceTerritory

  47. ServiceTerritoryMember

  48. Skill

  49. SkillRequirement

  50. TimeSlot

  51. VehicleSearchableField

  52. TransactionJournal

  53. Vehicle

  54. VehicleDefinition

  55. Visit

  56. WarrantyTerm

  57. WarrantyTermCoverage

  58. WorkType

  59. WorkTypeGroup

  60. WorkTypeGroupMember

Supported Metadata

Below is the list of supported metadata. Each metadata comes with different analytics (e.g. for fields we check dependencies & field % population while for roles or profiles, we show the list of assigned active users). If you can't find the metadata you need, or you would like us to get more information about the metadata already supported, talk to us.

  • Apex Classes

  • Apex Page

  • Apex Triggers

  • Applications (Apps)

  • Approval Processes

  • Assignment Rules

  • Auto-response Rules

  • Aura Component Bundles

  • Big Objects

  • Buttons, Links & Actions

  • Compact Layouts

  • Custom Labels

  • Custom Value

  • Dashboards (in public folders and private)

  • Duplicate Rule

  • Email Alerts

  • Email Services

  • Email Templates

  • Entitlement Process

  • Escalation Rule

  • External Services

  • Field Sets

  • Fields (Custom Field)

  • Flows

  • Flow Tests

  • Global Actions

  • Lightning Pages

  • Lightning Web Components

  • List Views

  • Matching Rules

  • Objects (Custom Metadata)

  • Objects (Custom)

  • Objects (Standard)

  • Page Layouts

  • Permission Sets (and Muting Permission Sets)

  • Permission Set Groups

  • Picklist Values

  • Platform Events

  • Process Builder Workflows

  • Profiles

  • Queues

  • Record Types

  • Remote Site Setting

  • Reports (in public folders and private limited to 100,000)

  • Report Types

  • Records (configuration records for nCino and Salesforce industries)

  • Roles

  • Sharing Rules

  • Standard Value Set

  • Tabs

  • Validation Rules

  • Visualforce Components

  • Visualforce Pages

  • Workflow Field Updates

  • Workflow Rules

  • Managed packages

Unmanaged packages are also synced, but the individual components will appear under the relevant metadata type rather than as a whole package.

Supported sync of configuration records

For specific Salesforce Clouds we also sync records (data) which are used in configuration logic of a given Cloud. We also sync dependencies between the records.

Record-bases configuration is always available with a paid Add-On license. Currently supported Clouds include:

  • Revenue Cloud (Legacy)

  • Manufacturing Cloud

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