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Updates: Release note highlights Q3 2020

The list of product updates, developed features and changes to the software by quarter

Updated over 4 years ago

Mid-September 2020:

Release highlights:

  • A new, streamlined process for connecting Salesforce Orgs: Connecting your Salesforce Orgs has never been easier! You can now kick-start the metadata sync in just a few clicks and less than 20 seconds.

  • Proposed nodes: Today we are unveiling a big new addition to our analysis proposition: the proposed nodes. You can add "proposed" metadata in your Org models, design and document them before you even create them in your Org.


  • Auto-classifying "Optimize potential" metadata: We want to make metadata clean-up as quick and easy for you as possible. For that reason, we are starting to auto-classify metadata as "Optimize potential" to help you find those that you might want to delete. For starters, we are going to classify low-impact fields and page layouts without a profile or active user assignments.


  • Back navigation on a diagram: There was a bug in the diagram application that would allow users to go only 1 diagram back in their view history. We have now fixed it and added the possibility to choose which diagram to return to from the list.

Mid-August 2020:

Release highlights:

  • Changes to the right panel interface: We updated the interface for right panels across the product. Instead of horizontal tabs various features can now be more easily accessed via a vertical icon menu.

  • Changes to the cross-space navigation: We changed how users access the Space list, how they navigate across Spaces and into the Space settings page in order to simplify the interface and make it more intuitive for new users.

  • Page layout assignments: You can speed up your migration to lightning and understand if you need to spend time optimizing buttons and other components by checking what profiles (and how many users) are actually assigned to a given page layout.


  • Search fields on stories & requirements: After the last release, the "search" fields on requirements and stories (tags, affected resources, etc.) stopped working for many users. We now fixed an issue in the front end app that stopped users from seeing the results.

  • 404 issue with opening Elements URLs: Missing configurations for CloudFront distributions led to some users seeing a 404 error when trying to open Elements URLs from external sources. This is issue has now been resolved.

Late July 2020:

Release highlights:

  • On-demand, in-browser diagram help: Using the Elements Catalyst Chrome Extension you can now make all your process diagrams easily available to your end-users. The extension allows users to search for and pop up specific process diagrams on any webpage or website.

  • Diagram adoption metrics: You can now see how many times each one of your published diagrams has been viewed and what is the user rating on each one.


  • Inviting users to maps by groups: We heard your feedback and we now support setting access rights to maps for entire user groups. You no longer have to invite each user individually - you can ensure appropriate audiences can access only relevant content.


  • Diagram rendering issue: Some customers who have embedded diagrams in Salesforce or Confluence pages have reported their content not displaying correctly at first load. We have now fixed the underlying issue.

  • Activity/flowline relative position change: We fixed the issue with activity boxes and flowlines changing their relative position on the canvas.

  • Missing SF help purple "i": Help icon was not being inserted for fields on a Salesforce record page that did not have a tab. This has now been fixed.

  • Special characters not exporting into a report: Some customers reported that exporting data with special symbols resulted in distorted results. We now fixed this problem.

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